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Title 烏日、溪洲及林內三座焚化爐污染物排放影響區域監測資料分析與空氣品質模擬計畫
Abstract 本計畫藉由分析中部地區五縣市(台中縣、台中市、南投縣、彰化縣、雲林縣)之空氣品質監測資料,以了解空氣品質現況。並對於烏日、溪洲及林內三座焚化爐空氣污染物擴散情況進行模擬,探討不同條件下之模擬結果,期能在空氣品質維護及改善工作上有一參考價值。本計畫利用ISCST3進行三座焚化爐污染物擴散模擬,繪成等增量濃度圖,以看出增量濃度之分佈。模擬結果解析顯示,不同年份氣象資料下所模擬之各污染物增量濃度略有差異,最大著地增量濃度位置也略有改變。不同探空測站氣象資料對於模擬結果並無明顯之影響,同一年不同探空測站對於污染物擴散之趨勢皆相同。可能原因為ISC模式使用之氣象資料大多以地面氣象測站為主,只有混合層高度是利用探空測站求得,故不同探空測站之氣象資料中大多數資料皆相同。不同季節模擬結果顯示污染物濃度會隨著不同季節有不同之擴散結果,而最大著地增量濃度也隨著季節的變化而略有增減的趨勢。若將焚化爐空污量增減(調為原來之90%、110%及200%)進行模擬,結果顯示污染物擴散隨著增減量的不同而有增減之趨勢。對於林內焚化爐進行全年風向皆為西風之情境模擬,結果顯示風向對於污染物濃度擴散有明顯之影響,全西風條件下對於竹山地區有較顯著之影響。以實際排放參數與環說書中之設計排放參數模擬結果進行比較,烏日及溪洲焚化爐本團隊模擬值與環說書中之模擬值結果並不一致,可能原因為環說書模擬係以推估之排放量,本團隊模擬係以實際檢測值平均進行模擬而造成。以模擬值與臺中縣環保局93年度烏日焚化爐周界大氣戴奧辛採樣濃度值比較,結果顯示,烏日焚化爐對於附近學校大氣中戴奧辛的貢獻並不明顯。監測站監測資料分析方面,由監測站O3高污染事件日逆軌跡線分析結果研判,焚化爐空氣污染物之排放可能不是監測站O3高污染事件日之主要貢獻源。分析ISC模擬增量濃度佔監測站測值之比例,結果顯示不論季節,焚化爐污染物增量濃度佔監測站測值之比例都相當低。忠明站及西屯站之組合除SO2日平均濃度及日最大小時濃度無明顯相關性外,其餘4種PSI指標污染物均具有明顯之相關性。本團隊提計提出三項建議:一、林內焚化爐未來營運後可利用實際空污量進行模擬。二、未來三座焚化爐周界可進行污染物濃度採樣,與模擬值相比較可粗略取得焚化爐對周界污染物濃度之影響。三、模擬計畫可以持續進行,匯集多年之模擬結果後,以看出較長遠之趨勢。
EngTitle Monitoring data analysis and air quality simulation of Wujih, Hsichou and Linnei incinerators.
EngAbstract This project utilized ISCST3 to simulate the air pollutants diffusion, and concentration distribution of three incinerators at Wujih, Hsichou, and Linnei. The ground and high altitude meteorological data were obtained from Air Quality Modeling Center. It was found that similar simulation results were got with different year’s meteorological data and different high altitude meteorological data.The following results were simulation by using 2003 meteorological data. The concentration increases of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and dioxins for Wujih incinerator were maximum in winter and minimum in spring. The concentration increase of sulfur dioxide was maximum in summer and minimum in spring. The concentration increases of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and dioxins for Hsichou incinerator were maximum in winter and minimum in spring. While those for Linnei incinerator were maximum in winter and minimum in winter. Different scenarios of pollutant emission amounts from the incinerators were tested. The results showed the maximum concentration increase landing-location was the same, but the maximum concentration increase depended on the change of emission. From the comparison of simulation results and dioxin sampling data, it showed that the contribution of incinerators was not significant in the vicinity.From the analysis of backward trajectory line, it was found that there were not obvious connection between incinerators and monitor stations in episode periods. The ratios of simulated concentration increase from incinerators to the data from monitoring stations were very small.Finally, three suggestions are proposed. The first is to use the real measuring data from the emission to simulate its impact on the air quality after Linnei incinerator starting operation. The second is to sample air pollutants near the incinerators and compare with simulations. The third is to continue model simulation and realize long-term trends.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立台北科技大學環境規劃與管理研究所