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Title 地方資料庫建置 ( 桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市、苗栗縣 )
Abstract 環保署於民國89年開始,規劃健全的環境資料庫系統架構與建置體系,據以建置即時提供完整、正確且有效資料與資訊的環境資料庫。另一方面,配合制度與組織之推動,並規劃一個可持續運轉的環境資料庫建置及管理體系。故此,本計畫蒐集桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣之地方環境資料,以設計整合性網頁查詢系統,提供各界查詢,並將專案計畫成果內容登入環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫。因此,本計畫之目標為:一、蒐集及建檔桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市、苗栗縣最新環境資料(含歷史資料),包含環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質、環境敏感地位置。二、開發整合性網頁查詢系統,提供各界查詢及資料下載,並作為未來建置其他縣市環境資料庫資料整體規劃及資料更新介面。三、將蒐集及建置之專案計畫成果,登入「環境資料庫之詮釋系統建置、管理及公開規範制定、地方環境資料庫調查及規範暨教育宣導計畫」之環境資訊管理系統詮釋資料庫。本計畫整理桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市、苗栗縣境內的環境地理資訊,經由最新資料的蒐集、彙整和數化建檔,將可充分掌握現有環境資源的分配與利用現況,是提昇產業水準、改善經濟條件、促進生活品質和確保資源永續利用的重要決策依據與指標。
EngTitle A project of the establishment of the local enviornmental database (Taoyuan county and Hsinchu county and Hsinchu city and Miaoli county)
EngAbstract In the year of 2000, the EPA has started to layout a comprehensive environmental information database in order to support a comprehensive、correct and efficient environmental database. At the same time, they also aim to layout an environmental database system which is sustained and operational with the help of the push of the system and organization. Therefore, the project aimed to collect and to build the latest environmental data, which included ‘Environmental position and development’, ‘Natural environment’ and ‘the humane society’, etc. In order to develop a comprehensive webpage query system that could allow adults to query. The objectives of this project include:(1) To collect and to build the latest environmental data, which included ‘Environmental position and development’, ‘Natural environment’, ‘The humane society’, ‘Environmental quality’, and ‘Environmental sensitive area’ (2) To develop a comprehensive web-page query system.The environmental materials mentioned above should be collected into a comprehensive web-page query system which can allow people to inquire and download. In addition, this system can also be used to be the interface between different counties in the future.(3) To collect the productions of the special projects, and to establish those data into the environmental database.This project organized the geographical information of environment within the territory of Taoyuan county, Hsinchu county, Hsinchu city and Miaoli county, this can fully grasp the distribution of the existing environmental resources and use present situation via the collection , gathering together the whole summation to file of the latest materials, it is an important decision basis and index of promoting industry#s level , and to improve the economic condition , to promote the quality of the life and guaranteeing resource continuous utilization.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 台灣景觀建築管理學會