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Title 空氣品質淨化區調查評估暨後續追蹤考核專案工作計畫
Abstract (一)研究目的本委託計畫主要是對空氣品質淨化區進行調查評估暨後續追蹤考核之工作,以協助環境保護署建立完整的空氣品質淨化區體系,以改善並提昇我國的空氣品質,進而提供全國唯一優質的生活環境品質,本計畫可概分為14項工作。(二)研究工作內容、方法及結果包含下列各項:1.修定空氣品質淨化區設置申請補助辦法,並將上述資料提供環保署上網。2.空氣品質淨化區基地調查現勘與追蹤考核(1)新提報空氣品質淨化區基地之調查及評估(共完成84處基地)(2)已核定空氣品質淨化區基地之計畫執行進度進行追蹤、督導與查核(共完成84處基地)(3)已完工空氣品質淨化區之維護管理、使用情形進行追蹤、督導與查核(共完成70處基地)3.研擬提昇空氣品質淨化區實質發展計畫及效益評估4.檢討修訂「直轄市及縣市空氣品質會或改善工作執行績效考評要點」5.辦理各縣市考評作業6.修正環境綠化育苗申請補助辦法。7.追蹤考核評估公有苗圃之現況並探討日後之執行方案。8.計畫相關資料建檔及網頁資料更新9.建置網路平台10.協助輔導網路平台及執行作業要點之教育訓練11.協助安排專家學者實地現勘活動12.辦理空氣品質淨化區設置及環境綠化育苗成果研討會一場13.辦理學術研討會一場14.辦理空氣品質淨化區維護管理說明會二場
EngTitle Air quality purification area inventory、assessment and maintenance evaluation project.
EngAbstract 1. Project purpose: The purpose of this project is to provide administrative assistance to EPA for establishing air quality purification area (hereinafter called aquapu area) system and related works, and also evaluate each aquapu site for their planting, construction and maintenance quality. This project includes 15 items of work.2. Project content、method and results: This project has to produce following results:1.Revise the working manual of application and subsidy for Aquapu Area, and upload such information onto EPA website.2.Aquapu Area site inventory and evaluation(1) Inventory, and assessment of newly applied sites of Aquapu Areas (84 sites)(2) Supervise and evaluate the implementation schedule of approved sites of Aquapu Area (84 sites)(3) Inspect and evaluate the condition of maintenance and execution of accomplished sites of Aquapu Area (70 sites)3.Propose the Aquapu Area action plan and efficacy evaluation 4.Review and revise the ”Key Points of efficacy evaluation for Special Municipalities, Counties and Cities for Aquapu Area Maintenance and Improvement”5.Organize the evaluation in each county and city6.Revise the working manual of application and subsidy for seedlings cultivation7.Supervise and evaluate existing public nurseries condition and explore potential implementation plans8.File datum and update webpage information9.Establish internet platform10.Assist training programs setup for internet platform users and project implementation11.Assist arranging on-site inspection activities for project-related advisors and experts12.Hold one symposium on Aquapu Area and public nursery mainly for experience exchange among all participants13.Hold one academic seminar14.Hold two Aquapu Area maintenance/management briefings
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 空保處