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Title 訴願審議管理資訊系統建置專案工作計畫
Abstract 訴願是乃指人民因中央或地方機關之行政處分,認為有違法或不當之情形,致損害其權利或利益者,得依訴願法之規定提起行政救濟之制度。當人民對行政院環保署所屬各行政機關的「行政處分」不服或覺得合法權益受到損害時,人民就可以依照訴願法規定,以書面的方式經由原行政處分機關向環保署訴願審議委員會提起訴願。為達成訴願審議業務資訊化,提昇行政效率,並加強無紙化、電子化之目標,訴願審議委員會全面實施訴願業務電腦化作業,將公文收發、訴願審議書、決定書製作、議事、檔案及研考等,全部納入最新電腦系統作業,以縮短作業、提昇辦案效率。本專案的執行方法採專案開發方法。現已完成訴願審議管理資訊系統建置專案工作,計有收發作業、承辦人作業、查詢作業、議程管理、主管作業、報表作業、資訊交流、系統維護、系統管理、網站設計等十項子系統。經過6個月的時間,已成功實施下列項目:1.規劃、開發「訴願審議管理資訊系統」之作業。2.建置、充實環保署網站「訴願審議委員會網頁」之內容。3.整合、傳遞環保署「公文管理系統」之資料。
EngTitle EPA-94-L104-03-001
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan of R.O.C.(EPA) are making great efforts to shake off the traditional nest, meet the new standard of new era - speed, convenient , efficiency , variety , and elasticity , in order to march toward more competitive and vigor. However, how to satisfy outside people"s expectation are very important to the growth of the organization. In view of the situation that people appeal to organization frequently, How to handle these appeal rapidly and effectively become more and more important. This project is to develop an information system for Administrative Appeals Commission of EPA to integrate the procedure of appealing completely, in order to finish outside people"s appealing rapidly, and meet appealing and serving the need of outside people better. This group reaches the goal combined through the information system to the procedure of appealing of the EPA, not only set up a integrated system of appealing, the more important thing is setting up to use information system reaching a fluidized , elasticity , intact melting , transparence , consistent mechanism of appealing that meet the demand of serving the people of the Republic of China.Through 6 months , we have already succeeded in implementing the following projects: 1. Planed and developed the “Appealing and Reviewing Management Information System”. 2. Construction and substantiating the contents of websites pages of “Administrative Appeals Commission of EPA”. 3. Integrate and transmit the data with “Official Document Management System” of EPA.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 訴願會
ExecutingOrg 環域科技股份有限公司