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Title 93年度新竹科學園區廢(污)水排放水稽查及管理計畫期末報告
Abstract 新竹市環境保護局鑑於園區內各產業製程中所排放的污染物日益累積而工業廢水所含之污染物質亦日趨複雜,其中包含微量有機物及酸鹼廢液等污染物。有鑑於此,新竹市環保局除已於91年度針對園區主要放流水體-客雅溪及隆恩圳之環境現況進行水體水質、底泥及生態之採樣調查分析,92年度並執行自動連續監測系統之設置,同時配合92年度之調查計畫,探討查核園區內各工廠廢污水處理情況,及配合緊急稽查管制作業。93年度則延續92年度之工作成果,進行自動連續監測、工廠廢水稽查及排放口和河川之水質採樣工作,以有效針對科學工業園區之廢污水進行污染排放監控與管制,減少廢污水對於環境生態的衝擊,以達到流域水質保護的目的。藉由此計畫之執行,持續建立科學園區之相關水質污染資料,以加強科學園區之排放水管理。其內容成果如下:一、排放水及河川水質分析二、稽巡查作業三、自動連續監測系統基本操作維護四、氨氮污染評析五、河川水質變化評析
EngTitle The check and manage for abolish (dirty ) water and discharge water in the Hsinchu Science Park
EngAbstract Environmental Protection Agency of Hsinchu had except that already mainly put and flowed the water body- guest"s environmental present situation of refined small stream and grand ditch between fields of kindness and carried on the water quality of water body to the garden in 91, bottom mud and ecological sample investigate and analyse , carry out automatic continuous establishment of monitoring system one year, cooperate with the planning of survey of 92 at the same time , probe into and check in the garden every factory abolishes the sewage disposal situation, and cooperate and check and manage the manufacturing promptly.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 新竹市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新竹市環境保護局