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Title 柴油車排煙檢測站檢驗維護計畫
Abstract 移動污染源稽查管制計畫最主要的目的在於推廣機車排氣定期檢驗的觀念,並藉由路邊未定檢機車巡查通知到檢與不定期檢測之方式加以稽查管制。為了推廣定檢制度,採取寄發二次通知、移動式定檢車排氣檢測與宣導、協助定檢站外移工作、至各工廠進行宣導檢測與舉辦宣導活動等方式進行宣導,此外亦設計提醒機車車主進行排氣檢測日期的小標籤供定檢站黏貼於完成檢測之車輛。計畫內容及結果如下所示:一、執行柴油車排煙檢測依工作之計畫目標,柴油車排煙檢測數為2800輛次,(包含動力計檢測數1,800輛次,路邊攔檢煙度計檢測1,000輛次),目視高污染車輛執行目測判煙數2,000輛次。二、建置及維護排煙檢測管理系統此計畫於檢測站開始啟用前於系統加裝車牌攝影系統(CCD),於實施『柴油車檢驗程序及辦法』檢測時進行拍攝,照片將立即傳入電腦中存檔,以建立受測車輛完整資料。三、執行相關宣導作業新竹市環境保護局已於民國93年6月29日辦理一場次業者說明會,並印製宣導手冊4000份於宣導說明會及檢測站發放。
EngTitle A maintenance plan for the cigarette measuring station of diesel vehicle
EngAbstract The detecting plan of moved pollution sources is to popularize the idea of motorcycle exhausting regularly to lie in to control to check, and examine the motorcycle to patroll and notify it to examine checking and controlling with the irregular way to measure uncertainly with the roadside. In order to popularize and examine the system definitely, adopt and despatch the notice two times, , is it remind motorcycle car owner to is it is it measure little label of date is it is it is it paste on vehicle that measure of finishing to stand to examine definitely to support to exhaust to go on to design also.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 新竹市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新竹市環境保護局