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Title 九十四年度機車排氣分析儀巡迴查核檢校專案計畫
Abstract 本計畫依據工作契約書之規範,已完成預定之各項工作,對於本計畫,工作小組提出之結論如下:一、本年度之總查核檢校數為2049站次,其中初檢2010站,5站停站,不合格39站,不合格比例為1.9%,初檢不合格率已從91年的15.9%下降至今年度的1.9%,顯見定檢站對於分析儀之檢測品質之維繫觀念已落實,而初檢不合格之定檢站均已完成複檢,複檢結果全部合格。二、本計畫實施增加複檢頻率之再查核工作,查核對象為初檢不合格與合格邊緣之定檢站、環檢所外部查核不合格之定檢站與自九十一年度起曾經不合格定檢站共400站,再查核結果有3站仍不合格,工作人員已現場開立改善建議書並已完成複檢,複檢結果均合格。三、本計畫實施標準氣體比對作業2005站,主要分布在0-2%之間,約占所有校正氣體的八成。四、初檢查核不合格原因分析,屬於儀器本身問題(包含採樣系統問題與線性偏差)之數量為35台,占全體不合格數量比率之89.7%,屬於人為校正不確實之問題有4台,占全體不合格數量比率之10.3%。五、建議修訂相關法令或制度,藉由相關行政措施的適宜裁罰,達到不良定檢站的良好管理,進而全面維繫定檢站檢測服務之公信力。
EngTitle 2005years vehicle emission analyzers audit and calibrate project
EngAbstract This project according to the standard of the contract, and various works that have already completed to schedule. For the conclusion is as follows: 1. This year we audited and calibrated 2010 motorcycle emission analyzers, the total work is 2049 times. The result shows the 4 stations that applicant for nonworking, and 39 stations are unqualified, unqualified rate is 1.9%. From 2002-2005 year, the unqualified rate is from 15.9% to 1.9%, it clearly shows motorcycle emission analyzer station for analysis instrument of examination quality have already carried out. The audit unqualified station all have already completed the recheck, and the re-audit result is all qualified. 2. This project increases the re-audit frequencies, that contain the beginning-audited unqualified stations, and NIEA audited unqualified stations and the deviation stations which was ever from 2002 year are total 400 stations. The recheck result has 3 stations still unqualified, the staff members had already drawn improvement suggestion and had already completed the recheck, which the result was all qualified.3. This project carries out the standard air compare to 2005 stations, the error mainly distributes between 0-2%, about have all 80%. 4. The analysis by the beginning-audited unqualified stations that is belong to the instrument problem that include sampling system and the line deviation is 35 sets, account for 89.7% of unqualified quantity ratio of all, and belongs to the problem that the factitiousness corrects the incertitude to have 4 sets, account for 10.3% of unqualified quantity ratio of all.5. Suggest the related ordinance or system of the emendation, by the related administration measure of feat cut to punish, reach badly and certainly the good management of motorcycle emission inspection stations, the public"s trust that then support to settle the examination service completely.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司