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Title 進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章作業
Abstract 1 、 依據「進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章辦法」辦理進口車輛污染驗證核章, 管制進口車輛均符合排放標準,至本年1 2 月15 日底止:A、 排氣合格證明驗證核章審核計6 5 , 9 1 7 輛。B、 排氣逐車測試合格證明審核及驗證核章計5 , 5 5 9輛。2 、 依計畫合約要求, 辦理進口車輛污染驗證核章之相關業務, 至本年十月底止:A、 對申請驗證核章車輛進行實車查驗:a . 依排氣合格證明驗證核章車輛, 計完成5 3 輛車實車查驗。b . 依逐車測試合格證明驗證核章車輛, 計完成3 輛車實車查驗。B、 就廠商申請驗證核章所檢具文件與原廠聯繫查核, 計抽查5 家代理商及5 家貿易商。C、 廠商請資料均抽存乙份, 並與海關及交通監理單位資料連線,進行資料核對與完成核章資料傳送。D、 安排六名審查人員, 於台北市辦公室及環保署,辦理進口車輛驗證核章審核及資料連線。3 、 辦理一場進口汽車驗證核章作業說明會, 並編印「進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章須知」5 0 0 冊, 以便利民眾申請。4 、 進口汽車空氣污染物電子驗證核章作業系統的建置, 分別於7 月及11 月辦理系統操作說明會, 11 月15 日起上線與舊系統併行作業,於1 2 月15 日開始正式上線。5 、 一併辦理車輛噪音驗證核章業務, 至本年12 月15 日底止, 完成噪音合格證明驗證核章計6 6 , 7 0 6 輛, 完成噪音逐車測試報告驗證核章計6 , 2 7 3 輛。
EngTitle Air Pollutant Inspection Label of Imported Car
EngAbstract 1.Based on “Method For Air Pollutant Inspection Label Of Imported Car” to carry out the inspection label for the pollution of imported car, so as to control the imported car to meet the emission standard:There are 65,917 imported cars with the accepted air emission certificate and inspection label. There are 5,559 cars with the accepted certificate and inspection label for the test of each car.2.Based on the requirements of contract to carry out the related tasks about the inspection label for the pollution of imported car:A.To carry out field inspection for the car applied for the inspection label:Based on the cars with accepted air emission certificate and inspection label, there are 53 cars which have been completed for field inspection.Based on the cars with the accepted certificate and inspection label for the test of each car, there are 3 cars which have been completed for field inspection.B.The documents submitted by the applicant have been checked with the original manufacturer, 5 distributors and 5 dealers have been checked randomly.C. A copy of application information has been kept, and it is connected to Customs and Traffic authorities to carry out information checking and the information transmission of inspection label.D. Six reviewers are designated to Taipei Office and EPA (Environmental Protection Administration)to carry out the review for the inspection label of imported car and information connection.3.To hold a demonstration meeting for the operation of the inspection label of imported car, and print 500 volumes of “Outline For Air Pollutant Inspection Label Of Imported Car”, so that people can apply it conveniently.4.To set up electronic inspection label operation system for air pollutant of imported car,in Jul. and Nov., held meeting to introduce how to apply by the system. The system began to operate with the used system on 15-Nov., performed at 15-Dec.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院機械工業研究所