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Title 亞太經濟合作-亞太海洋衛星遙測資訊系統
Abstract 今年是海洋模式與資訊系統計畫(OMISAR)計畫之最後階段,OMISAR的目標在於發展分享海洋環境資訊與海洋模式的系統,以便於預報與經濟活動相關的海洋環境變化,在海洋環境資訊系統中,衛星地面接收站為交換跨區域海洋資料的工具,在這個計畫中,在越南胡志明市(西貢)的南部水資源研究所(Southern Institute of Water Resource Research, SIWRR),越南科技研究院應用力學所 (Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Center of Science and Technology, IAM/NCST)以及菲律賓大學(University of the Philippines, UP) 海洋研究所 (Marine Science Institute, MSI) 等地建立了NOAA衛星地面接收站,目前交換的NOAA衛星資料,已經超過300GB。今年計畫的主要目標,延續並加強辦理OMISAR計畫,在互惠原則下,協助越南及菲律賓維護與提昇其衛星站的功能、衛星資料處理分析等相關技術,更發展新的衛星資料處理技術,藉由整合不同的衛星資源提高其空間及時間上的覆蓋率與解析度,使得衛星資料可以更廣泛的應用於海洋研究之上,以建立東亞海域的衛星海洋環境資料,促進APEC區域內國家合作關係。因應APEC新的4項原則,我們在2006年度提出新的計畫「Satellite Application in Knowledge-based Economies (SAKE)」,將知識經濟(Knowledge-based Economy) 作為新計畫的主題,該計畫主要在於推廣福衛二號衛星資料的應用。福衛二號的衛星影像因為具有高解析度,使得能夠在幾年來OMISAR計畫內建立的衛星海洋資訊之外,能再更進一步提供一個詳細監測海岸環境及陸源污染等較小尺度活動的研究方向,以促進APEC會員國的環境保護與資源永續利用,將OMISAR拓展到新的里程碑。
EngTitle APEC – Asia Pacific Satellite Remote Sensing Data System
EngAbstract This year is the final stage of project OMISAR (Ocean Models and Information System for the APEC Region). The goals of OMISAR are developing information systems to share data and sharing ocean models to predict the change of marine environment that is related to economic activities. On the part of ocean information system, satellite ground receiving system was selected as the tool for promoting scientific and technological exchanges on cross boundary marine data. Through this project, NOAA satellite ground receiving stations were established in Ho Chi Minh City by Southern Institute of Water Resource Research and by Institute of Applied Mechanics of National Center of Science and Technology, and in Manila by the Marine Science Institute of Univ. of the Philippines. This capacity-building process bear fruits of exchanging 300 GB of NOAA satellite data. The objectives of this year are, under the principle of mutually beneficial, continuing the maintenance of the network of satellite ground receiving stations in Taipei, Ho Chi Minh City and Manila, sharing collected satellite data and sharing the process in capacity building (jointly developing software), and integrating various satellite data on monitoring marine environment. We proposed and promoted the 2006 APEC proposal “Satellite Application in Knowledge-based Economies (SAKE)” in responding to the new requirements on APEC proposals. The theme of SAKE is to promote the application of high-resolution Formosat-2 satellite images to develop new technology in helping local economy of users of Formosat-2 data through the application on monitoring of marine resources and in the mean time, extending our influence in APEC through science and technological exchanges. To exemplify, Formosat-2 data may be used for monitoring land-based pollutants or oil spills, for assessing damages from disasters, for mapping the distribution and health of coral reefs, and for assisting the design and monitoring marine parks and coastal development. Formosat-2 data are useful for the sustainable use of marine resources.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學 海洋研究所