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Title 巨大廢棄物回收再利用效益評估及設施評鑑輔導專案
Abstract 巨大廢棄物包括廢家具、廢樹枝、廢腳踏車等,甚多廢家具使用天然珍貴的之木質材料,購買時非常昂貴。因此若僅局部破損,應可經修繕後再使用,或者回收其材料再利用。在環保署經費補助下,近年來國內已有若干縣市正積極推動巨大廢棄物回收再利用工作,進行廢家具修繕再使用及破碎回收材料再利用。本計畫對於修繕完成之環保再生家具,進行市場和申請驗證分析,規劃出市場行銷制度及環保再生家具標章驗證系統。此外,經由專家委員之現場查訪評鑑,發現家具修繕已獲致不錯之成效。但對於巨大廢棄物經再利用處理所產生之材料(如木粉屑…),其後續應用市場則有待努力。因此藉由各縣市推動得失之瞭解,彙整完整之建議作為環保署及各縣市未來推動之參考。
EngTitle Promulgating, assessing and counseling Project for the Recycling and Reuse of Bulky Waste
EngAbstract Bulky wastes include used furniture, waste branch and spent bicycle. Among the refused bulky waste, there were valuable materials for recovery and utilized. For the spent furniture with partly deficient, repairing is a simple and worthwhile method to obtain a renewed product. Other while, the wooden bulky waste can be crushed to recover the wood chip as wooden material for reuse. Recovery and reuse of bulky waste has become a very important issue in Taiwan. Recently, EPA provided a lot budget to the local government for the improvement of equipment for the recycling of bulky waste. This project was focused in the estimation of the total quantity and the recycle efficiency of bulky waste in Taiwan. By the investigation of the promotion in local government, we find it had achieved a great deal in furniture repair. But for the market of recycling wooden material, it needs more efforts for the exploration of market. By the evaluation of local government’s achievement, we provided some suggestions for them, and proposed a guideline for EPA as a reference for the adjustment of future strategy.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院