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Title 大氣氣膠化學特徵觀測
Abstract 本計畫的主要目的包括瞭解台澎地區大氣氣膠的化學特徵,以及東北季風盛行期間沙塵及粒狀污染物的長程傳輸對台澎地區空氣品質的影響。本計畫在2005年於台灣地區的七個觀測站進行大氣氣膠採樣,觀測站的位置分別在富貴角(台灣最北端)、台北、台中、台南、屏東、花蓮及澎湖,分析的項目包括大氣氣膠(PM10/PM2.5)的質量濃度和化學組成。主要的研究結果包括:(1)瞭解台灣地區空氣品質在2005年春季受到亞洲沙塵事件及汙染物長程傳輸影響的期間及區域分佈。(2)獲知台灣各地區大氣氣膠的主要組成物種。(3)獲知台灣各地區大氣氣膠質量濃度及化學組成的季節變化與區域分佈。(4)獲得各地區氣膠濃度的相關性,以及控制區域氣膠濃度的氣象機制。(5)瞭解台灣地區PM2.5佔PM10質量濃度比例的空間分佈特徵。
EngTitle Chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosols in Taiwan
EngAbstract The objectives of this project is to improve our understanding of the chemical characteristics of the atmospheric aerosols over Taiwan, and to investigate the air quality impacts due to the long-range transported dust and particulate pollutants during the periods with the prevailing northeasterly of winter monsoons. In 2005, atmospheric aerosol samples were collected at seven observatories in Taiwan. The observatories are located at the FuGuei Cape (the northernmost tip of Taiwan) and in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, PingTong, Hwalian, and Penghu, respectively. Mass concentration and chemical composition of the aerosol (PM10/PM2.5) samples were measured. The main results include: (1) Identification of the periods and impacted areas of the Asian dust events and the long-range transport of air pollutants in the springtime of 2005. (2) Identification of the major chemical species in the atmospheric aerosols in the respective areas over Taiwan. (3) Understanding the seasonal variation and spatial distribution of mass concentration and chemical constituents of the atmospheric aerosols in Taiwan. (4) Identifying the correlation among the aerosol concentrations of respective areas in Taiwan, and the meteorological mechanism for those correlations. (5) Identifying the spatial distribution features of the ratios of PM2.5/PM10 in terms of mass concentration.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心