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Title 空氣品質監測儀器功能驗證品保查核作業
Abstract 行政院環境保護署至94年度止已於全國各地陸續設置了76個空氣品質監測站、 2輛移動性監測車及阿里山紫外線監測站,除此之外,各地方環保局亦於各縣市轄區內設置共26站自動監測站。為提昇環保署及地方監測站監測數據的準確性,環保署委託專業儀器維護公司及品保查核公司對監測站儀器進行維護及查核作業。本計畫委託瑩諮科技股份有限公司執行監測站品保查核作業,計畫執行期限為94年3月4日執行至95年12月31日止,本報告為94年度總執行成果。自94年3月執行至94年11月,總計完成90站次環保署空氣品質自動監測站績效查核作業、26站次地方環保機關空氣品質自動監測站績效查核作業、50站次地方環保機關空氣品質人工監測站績效查核作業;另至94年11月止,以每站每月執行一次儀器功能檢查,總計完成9個月750次功能檢查作業。
EngTitle Air Quality Monitoring Equipments Assurance project
EngAbstract “Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Network (TAQMN) of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established 76 Air Quality Auto-monitoring Stations, 2 moveable vans and 1 ultraviolet ray monitoring station located in A-Li Mountain. To evaluate the monitoring data form, EPA and EPB Air Quality Monitoring Stations is reliable and accurate. EPA has an authorized regular performance organization and an independent private sector to enforce quality checking for Air Quality Monitoring. The executing period has been started from March,2005 to December, 2006.There were four main working items of this project to be achieved in this year:1. Annually performance audit of TAQMN (90 monitoring stations, including moveable vans).2. Monthly performance regular check-up of TAQMN (from March to November,2005, this project has achieved 750 monitoring stations).3. Annually performance audit of manual TSP Monitoring Stations for the local environmental protection bureaus (50 manual TSP monitoring stations).4. Annually performance audit of air quality auto-monitoring stations for the local environmental protection bureaus (26 monitoring stations).
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司