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Title 廢電鍍塑膠解電鍍回收再利用新製程
Abstract 本計畫乃在研發如何將廢電鍍塑膠,透過微波加速技術、超音波輔助回收廢電鍍塑膠,分離電鍍金屬技術新製程,新製程具快速解離電鍍層特性,並透過塑膠改質技術、精密混練加工造粒技術之開發,產生一種新的合膠及其複合材料,應用於板材或射出品(如電腦外殼)。本計畫研發團隊已針對鍍鋁車灯與鍍鎳塑件之解電鍍回收技術研究並完成10項申請中之發明專利;針對塑膠安全鏡片表面高分子覆膜之分離與回收PC,申請下列8項發明專利;針對回收塑膠再製塑粒添加安定劑/抗氧化劑均勻分散之技術,計畫團隊申請2項專利。本計畫建立電鍍塑膠解電鍍分離金屬鍍膜製程,並建立塑膠回收與再利用之製程系統,進而開發各種合膠與複材,本計畫所建立之技術已轉移4家廠商,金額達90萬,並已應用於量產製程,顯示專利與技術具備商業化價值。
EngTitle A new process developed to recycle wasted metal-plated plastics
EngAbstract The objective of this project is to recycle wasted metal-plated plastics.The release of bonding between the coated metal and plastic substrate is accelerated by the aid of microwave and supersonic wave ( MSW ) in acid or basic solution . It takes very short time to debond coated metal with the aid of MSW , so that plastic substrate is only slightly altered . The recycled plastic substrate is modified by polymer blend compounding formulations and process to develop new polymer alloys or composites , which can be extruded to make sheets or injected to make computer outer covers . The technology to recycle the Al-plated lamp cover and Ni-plated injected part has been developed . 10 patents related to this technology have been finished and applied to the National Patent Office . The project team has also developed the technique to recycle the polymer film-coated plastic glasses . 8 patents have been accomplished to debond the polymer film from transparent plastic glass . Besides , 2 more patents enhance the homogeneous mixing of additives in plastics during polymer blending. This technology provides a good opportunity to separate the plated metal or coated film from plastic substrates . The recycled substrates are then blended to deueloped polymer alloys/composites . This project deserves intensive research and development with high renewability . The technology outputs generated by this project have been transferred to four companies and used in mass-production processes. It’s obvious that the patents and technologies of this project are of great commercial values.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 遠東技術學院