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Title 二氧化碳通量監測先導性計畫
Abstract 環保署為瞭解台灣本身的環境變遷問題及其與生態系之間的關係,積極推動二氧化碳通量之監測。二氧化碳通量先導觀測站(棲蘭山)位於鴛鴦湖長期生態研究站,已於2005年3月開始觀測並進行測試。目前觀測項目包括CO2、H2O濃度、三維風速及一些相關的氣象因子。所使用的儀器主要是一個三維風速計及一個開路式二氧化碳及水氣分析儀,二者均置於一24 m的鐵塔頂。資料的取樣、貯存及傳輸目前均在測試運轉中。通量的計算是以渦度相關法進行觀測,相關的CO2、H2O濃度、三維風速及由音波計算之溫度是以10 Hz 取樣,每筆資料儲存於桌上型電腦,再做後續的分析。棲蘭山二氧化碳通量先導觀測站以台灣森林所分布的地形而言屬於緩坡(14°),但以渦度相關法而言,棲蘭山通量測站卻屬於較陡坡的試區,因此通量的計算仍有相當多的問題需要研究。為推動台灣二氧化碳通量觀測網之建立,本計畫於九月下旬邀請德國Univ. of Münster 之Otto Klemn 與Thomas Wrzesinsky教授來台主講通量觀測技術訓練課程,隨後並前往中、南部可能設置通量監測站之地區勘察。目前初步建議可能之設站地點為:農業試驗所嘉義分所溪口農場(水稻田)、玉山國家公園塔塔加長期生態站(雲杉、高山箭竹叢草地)。不過若由對碳吸存貢獻的意義而言,台灣森林Flux觀測則以仍在持續生長的人工林列為優先考慮。由此觀點而言,人倫工作站之柳杉人工林及華林林場均可試行觀測。本計畫亦已擬訂二氧化碳通量監測站相關設備規格草案,以供環保署參考。
EngTitle Pilot study of Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement from Terrestrial Ecosystems in Taiwan
EngAbstract In order to understand the relationship between environmental change and terrestrial ecosystems, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting a network of carbon dioxide flux monitoring station in Taiwan. The first pilot flux monitoring station (ChiLan) was set up at the Yuanyang Lake long term ecological site on March, 2005. Fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sensible heat fluxes were measured by the eddy covariance method. A 3-D sonic anemometer and an open-path analyzer were mounted on top of a 24-meter instrument tower over a natural regenerated stand consists mainly of the tree species of Taiwan cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana). Synchronized analog signals from the open-path analyzer and 3-D sonic anemometer (3 dimensional wind speeds and the sonic temperature) were digitalized with an sampling rate of 10 Hz. All digital data were recorded by computer and stored in hard disc for later analysis. With a relatively flat slope of 14° , the Chilan site is still considered as steep slope station in existing FLUXNET sites. Further study is still needed on the calculation of fluxes at such a difficult site. Professor Otto Klemm and Thomas Wrzesinsky from Univ. of Münster, was invited to host a training workshop on eddy covariance measurement in September, 2005. Together with a group of local scientists, Professors Klemm and Wrzesinsky visited several potential flux monitoring sites in central Taiwan. Possible sites are Tatachia long term ecological site (alpine bamboo thicket spotted with spurs trees) at the Yushan National Park and the Chiko farm (paddy rice field) of Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. If, however, consider the contribution to carbon sequestration, plantation with growing potential should be chosen as flux measurement sites. The Hwaling experimental forest and the plantation around Zenlun station then could be tested as next flux measurement sites. Protocol of flux monitoring station was also submitted to the EPA for their evaluation of future deployment of Taiwan’s FLUXNET stations.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立東華大學自然資源管理研究所,夏禹九,張世杰,林佩蓉,賴正偉,國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程系,謝正義