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Title 廢光碟片回收再利用處理技術
Abstract 廢光碟片在處理與再利用階段屬於有害事業廢棄物,如能回收再利用將減少其對環境造成的危害。目前主流技術僅能處理單層的CD-R光碟片,對DVD廢光碟片處理雖有許多研究團隊投入研究,但並無適切的技術提出,本研究團隊經過十個月的努力已完成可處理各種形式光碟片的處理法。這個光碟片回收處理方法以清潔生產為最高指導原則,不僅不用有毒之原料且沒有有害物質的排放,同時PC塑膠回收率達95﹪以上。大致流程為首先將廢光碟片破碎後分別投入食鹽水、硫酸及氫氧化鈉中浸泡,再至清水徹底清洗後脫水風乾即為PC塑膠成品。這些PC塑膠經檢測後,幾乎可符合製造DVD之PC塑膠原料規格,可見本製程對PC塑膠物理性質影響不大。目前本製程已完成模廠運作階段,未來本研究團隊將考慮設廠或進行技術轉移,希望將來廢光碟片回收的產製過程都能符合清潔生產原則,建立與環境和諧的永續產業。
EngTitle The recycling technology of waste Compact Disks
EngAbstract Waste compact disks are identified to be hazardous waste in Taiwan. If we recycle the waste compact disks, their impact will be reduced Up to now commercial technology can used to recycle single layer CD only. Although many researches have interested in the treatment of waste DVD, there is no any appropriate technology to be addressed yet. Our team has accomplished the method to recycle all forms of Compact Disks through our efforts for ten months. The waste compact disks recycle method is follow to the principle of cleaner production. The method does not use toxic raw materials and discharge hazardous materials. The steps are shred the waste Compact Disks, soak them into NaCl,H2SO,liquid alkali reactor and aerate to approximately strip off the printing layer, the reflective layer and the dye layer. After clearing them completely in cleaning tank, waste CD were dehydrated and air-dried to be polycarbonate plastics. The of recycled rate polycarbonate plastics is 95% and the physicochemical properties is nearly the test norms for DVD gradation. It is perceived that the method to recycle compact disks influenced on physicochemical properties of polycarbonate plastics is low Now, pilot planet operating step is completed. In the future, our team will consider to establish a factory or to sell the technology. We hope the producing procedure of the reclaiming waste Compact Disks is conforms to the principle of cleaner production. We also like to establish the industry in harmony with our environment.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立屏東科技大學薩支高,裕山環境工程公司莊政文