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Title 94年參與第三屆世界水質監測日活動計畫
Abstract 水是地球最寶貴資源,人類及其他地球生物所不可或缺的物資。台灣雖四面環海、降雨豐沛,但因降雨在時間及空間之分佈極為不平均,導致豐、枯水期季節河川洪水量有明顯差異。由於人口密度高、工商業發達、河川水質受到不同程度污染情形普遍,使得台灣成為世界水資源匱乏的國家之一。因此,關心水質、整治河川污染,除了政府機關的努力外,有賴民眾的積極參與。世界水質監測日活動係一個全球性關懷水環境品質的活動;想要傳達一個訊息:透過全球同步檢測環境水質活動,讓每一位大人小孩都有乾淨、安全的水可以使用;希望藉此活動讓世界上每一位用水人都能持續關心及保護地球珍貴的水資源。環保署自2003年(第一屆)起參與世界水質監測日活動,前二屆參與成果豐碩,在參與活動國家中,因連年名列前茅而備受囑目。今年亦不例外!藉由該活動,讓台灣民眾於世界水質監測日活動期間與世界各國民眾同步檢測水質,已成功將台灣進步形象推向國際舞台;亦提供一個機會及窗口讓其他國家認識台灣,分享台灣在參與世界水資源保護方面努力的成果與經驗。
EngTitle 2005 World Water Monitoring Day Activity in Taiwan
EngAbstract Water is essential for life. It sustains all living things. Absent water, life ceases. Water is not only one of the most precious but also the most necessary sustainable resources on earth. Taiwan is an island country. Although the annual rainfall in Taiwan reaches 2,500mm which is 2.5 times the world average, because 3/4 of annual rainfall concentrates in the wet season, yet people in Taiwan face water shortages regularly, especially in the dry season. As the nation’s economic activities keep increasing, so does the population. As a result, Taiwan cannot sustain an ever-increasing use of water. It has reached the limits of available water resources. Taiwan now is considered as a country with severe problem encountered with the shortage of water resources. As individuals in Taiwan, people are encouraged to help protecting and conserving their precious water resources.World water monitoring day is a global educational and outreach event designed to promoted personal care and individual involvement in the protection of our world water resources. The event wants to deliver a simple message that it is not only the responsibility of governments to assure clean and safe water for every single adult and child. It is up to us, the citizens of the world, and all the users of water, to get involved and stay involved in the protection of the waters of the world. The efforts for Water Monitoring Day fit Taiwan’s current needs in protecting our precious water sources. As a community on earth, Taiwan EPA broadly inviting school teachers and kits, NGOs and general public to join the WWMD event since 2003. For these efforts, Taiwan ranked second (only next to U.S.) within the world for number of registered monitoring sites and number of participants for WWMD in 2003, and 2004. Taiwan is well recognized for its outstanding success in joining the international educational outreach.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學水工試驗所