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Title 廢麥粕合成奈米孔徑吸附劑之技術開發與應用
Abstract 本研究以廢麥粕為起始原料合成具有微孔/奈米孔徑之吸附劑,並以甲苯為吸附質,評估廢棄生質合成多孔徑吸附劑並去除VOCs之可行性。研究結果顯示以農業廢棄物作為起始原料,利用水蒸氣活化法 (50%H2O/50%N2) 配合適當之活化時間可以合成具有高比表面積之活性碳 (360~950 m2/g),但過長之活化時間將導致活性碳結構遭受破壞造成比表面積與孔體積下降,而活性碳之結構由微孔分佈轉變為中孔分佈,並使微孔產生擴孔現象。由元素分析之結果顯示活性碳之氧含量隨活化時間增加而增加,此結果顯示水蒸氣活化法能夠使活性碳表面含氧量增加,進一步增加表面含氧官能基之含量。由表面官能基分析結果顯示,產氫廢麥粕與稻殼活性碳之官能基主要以酸性官能基 (例如:氫氧基、羰基、羧基)為主,隨著活化時間增加含氧官能基之含量也越高。在吸附實驗方面,甲苯濃度介於50~600 ppmv,實驗溫度40℃~80℃,實驗結果顯示吸附量隨甲苯濃度增加而增加,但隨著實驗溫度增加而降低,而利用吸附實驗數據可以求得Freundlich與Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR)方程式之參數,藉由此參數能獲得不同溫度時之等溫吸附曲線。模擬結果顯示利用Freundlich與DR模擬實驗數據可獲得較佳之模擬結果(R2 > 0.96),所求得之Freundlich與DR參數可用來預測不同溫度與濃度時活性碳之甲苯吸附量。
EngTitle Development and Application of Nanoporous Adsorbent from Waste Wheat Husk
EngAbstract Four agriculture residues, including raw wheat husk, bio-treated wheat husk, rice husk, and pistachio shell, were used as starting materials to produce activated carbons with diverse physical and chemical properties. The adsorption behavior of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for resulting adsorbents was tested with toluene as an adsorbate. Results showed that with adequate steam activation time, activated carbons with a surface area between 360 and 950 m2/g were developed. Further increases in the activation time destroyed the pore structure of activated carbons, which resulted in a decrease in the surface area and pore volume. Elemental analyses and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy examination suggested that the oxygen content of activated carbons increased with increasing activation time. Furthermore, the amounts of oxygen-containing functional groups, including hydroxyl, carbonyl, and carboxyl groups also increased. These results indicate that H2O molecules react with the carbon surface to form those oxygen-containing acidic functional groups. Results from adsorption of toluene (inlet concentrations between 50 and 600 ppmv) at 40 to 80℃ showed that the adsorption capacities increased as the inlet toluene concentration increases, and decreased with increasing adsorption temperatures. Furthermore, these results were successfully fitted with Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR) isotherms (R2 > 0.96). The obtained Freundlich and DR constants can then be used to predict equilibrium adsorption capacities at various adsorption conditions and to calculate other important thermodynamic constants, such as heat of adsorption.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 衛司特科技公司