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Title 推動負責任的奈米科技研發及生產環境計畫
Abstract 本計畫訪查奈米研究及生產單位共有20個,由訪談發現不論在防制設備、防護具及防護設備的設置均不足。訪談後,建議研究人員均應配戴口罩、手套等防護具,需製程禁食,設置作業環境中的抽氣設備,奈米相關廢棄物需要集中處理與標識清楚,以及安全教育與宣導。另外完成奈米粉體製程奈米微粒暴露之標準作業程序,個人防護具操作標準程序及奈米粉體製程控制設備之標準操作程序,可提供環保署及相關的研究機構參考。選定新竹四個場址進行環境奈米微粒濃度監測,研究結果顯示,食品路與西大路口有最高的奈米微粒數目濃度 (5.58×105#/cm3), 湖口工業區是第二高 (3.64×104#/cm3), 光復國宅第三高(1.27×104#/cm3), 寶山水庫最低(1.07×104#/cm3)。另外針對台灣日光燈、東陶公司、台塑冬山廠三家工廠實施作業環境奈米微粒濃度檢測,實驗發現現場奈米微粒數目濃度分別為2.1×105、3.6×104、1.3×104 #/cm3。透過實地量測大氣環境、奈米粉體製程作業環境及相關防制設備的奈米微粒濃度情形,瞭解這些條件下的奈米微粒的濃度分佈,研究發現交通要道附近存在高濃度的奈米微粒,最高時可達住宅區的100倍以上。在奈米粉體作業環境中,仍有部份的奈米微粒逸散,而防制設備部份,則發現洗滌塔對奈米微粒的去除效率低於20%,而濾袋屋可高達90%。這些成果可供相關政府機關擬定奈米粉體逸散管制法規的參考依據。完成美國NIOSH 42 CRF Part 84測試標準之N95、通過歐盟標準EN 149:2001之FFP2,以及日本國家檢定合格之JIS DS2等級濾材效率測試,奈米微粒的防護效率大小分別為3M N95>三暉>TRUSCO,而呼吸阻抗大小:三暉> TRUSCO > N95。塗佈型奈米材料剝落測試實驗的結果發現,TiO2 print測試樣品在實驗經過30分鐘後,開始有200 nm以下的奈米微粒逸散,多集中在100nm以下,最高濃度可達22.8 #/cm3(@55.2nm)。此項研究建議,奈米材料產品上市時,政府相關部門應該要求廠商驗證奈米微粒的逸散量。本計畫今年完成舉辦一場技術論壇及六場學者專家座談會,同時更新既有之網頁資料庫,同時藉由文獻資料收集與分析,完成一份國內推動負責任奈米科技研發及生產環境的規劃報告,將來可供政府機關與研發單位參考使用。
EngTitle Promoting responsible R&D and manufacturing environments of nanotechnology.
EngAbstract In this project, 20 nanotechnology research institutes and manufacturing companies were visited. Based on the visiting results, the results strongly recommended that the researcher or operator should wear mask and glove whenever necessary. Eating and drinking should be prohibited in the working place. In addition, standard procedure of exposure assessment, PPE and control equipment operation was established in this project. They can be used as reference document for Taiwan EPA or other related institutes.Four sampling sites were selected to study environmental nanoparticle number concentration and size distribution. She-Ping and Si-Ta road site is the highest one (5.58×105#/cm3), and Bau-Sang reservoir site is the lowest one. Based on field measurement of ambient environment, nanopowder process environment, and particle control equipment, the size distribution, number concentration, and collection efficiency of nanoparticle emission have been studied and reported. The results show that there are very high concentration of nanoparticle near the cross section of busy roads, it can be as high as 100 times of the concentration in residential area. In nanopowder working environment, there are still some nanoparticle emission. It is recommended that the worker should be trained and wears suitable personal protective equipment. As far as control equipment is concerned, the removal efficiency of nanoparticle for baghouse is 90%. The results can be used as a reference to draft regulation for nanopowder manufacturing process.Thirty respirators selected from three commercial companies were evaluated based on the testing standards of NIOSH 42 CFR Part 84 and CNS 14755 Z2125, they have shown to meet the certified standard. For nanoparticle emission measurement from nanomaterial splitting, TiO2 print material were found to be the highest one (22.8 #/cm3@55.2nm) in the three selected nanomaterial. Nanomaterial nanoparticle emission should be performed for new material development. Government and research institutes can use the report for future development reference.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心