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Title 前瞻奈米科技相關環境議題研究
Abstract 本計畫收集前瞻奈米科技(包括分子、奈米、生物、資訊及趨同科技等)之期刊與研討會論文,透過文獻回顧的方式,瞭解目前國際間前瞻奈米技術相關研究發展趨勢與現況,並將技術延伸至環境應用上,結合環境效益議題的探討,發現前瞻奈米科技具有環境領域面的應用潛能。另外,進行透過網路搜尋(奈米型國家計畫、政府GRB系統、經濟部科技專案計畫..),瞭解國內有關前瞻奈米技術的研發現況,其中仍以感測與監測技術的研發居多。在未來研究的規劃及建議上,本研究認為在未來三年內奈米吸附劑、奈米標識劑與奈米感測器等三項技術,配合台灣的研究環境,並進一步規劃三項技術的實施時程,如按部就班地落實相關規劃,將較有機會在台灣落實與實現。對於生物奈米技術、奈米生物技術、分子奈米技術…等在環境領域的應用上,則需要較長時間的醞釀與研究,除了需要政策及資金上的導引,還需要政府做好技術通報、鼓勵創新、培育人才及產業服務等相關規劃,並依不同階段執行技術發展調查與通報、技術地圖、獎勵創意開發、鼓勵培訓相關科技人才、建立相關人才資料庫…等工作,才有助於各領域技術的合作與整合,激盪出更多前瞻奈米技術環境相關應用的研發創意與商機,而在環境領域開花結果,供環保署及相關單位參考。
EngTitle Study in Environmental Issues of Prospective Nanotechnology
EngAbstract This study demonstrates the global research trends and current results of advanced nanotechnology by reviewing pertinent literature relating to nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and conversion technology. These research results indicate some potential for application to environmental issues. Additionally, current research conditions about related fields in Taiwan were obtained by searching websites, such as the website of the National Technology Program for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, GRB system, and Department of Industrial Technology. Analytical results show that nano-adsorbed materials, nano-markers and nano-sensors have significant potential for development over the next three years in Taiwan. Some changes are required to generate new technologies and eliminate local pollution problems in Taiwan. For bio-nano-technology, molecular nanotechnology, and convergent nanotechnology, policies and foundations are needed to promote research into environmental applications. The government needs to construct channels for exchanging technical information, innovations, knowledge, and industry services. Analysis results indicate that promoting large research projects involving researchers from various fields would encourage cooperation, and would increase innovations and market success.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 工研院環安中心