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Title 空氣品質監測站網系統及資料整合管理
Abstract 行政院環境保護署於82年9月設置66個空氣品質自動監測站針對人體健康有影響的重要空氣污染物質進行監測,提供民眾各地空氣品質資訊,並提供空氣污染管制措施成效評估重要資訊。87年擴增為72個測站。92年開始進行測站儀器更新,至94年完成,並擴增為76個測站。除即時自動空氣品質監測系統外,環保署於近10餘年間陸續建置光化學評估測站,微粒超級測站,逆溫儀站,光達站等遙測監測系統,並建置各類預報輔助分析系統。歷經這些階段性演進,陸續建置之系統架構與資料分散,整合分析不易,管理複雜,加以自動空氣品質監測系統剛完成更新。在本計畫中針對運轉中之空氣品質監測站網系統進行調查,就整體系統與作業進行品質查核,提出改善建議,於計畫執行期間提供專業顧問協助空氣品質監測站網系統之改善。同時提出資料整合與作業查核規劃,以作為後續整合建置之參考。除了查核與規劃外,本計畫並設計空氣品質監測站網簡介及建置兩個WEB應用系統,以滿足現階段空氣品質監測系統管理與應用之需要:1.空氣質監測站網系統資料目錄檢索系統:提供高彈性架構,可供環保署自行依據管理要項及系統特性自行定對系統目錄架構,並提供便利檢索界面,以提供系統組態管理功能。2.自動空氣質監測歷史資料統計查詢系統:將自82年開始之監測資料加以統計分析提供統計柱狀圖,風花圖,風玫圖及污染濃度分布風羽圖分析。
EngTitle Plan of Air Quality Monitoring Network System and Data Integration Management
EngAbstract One of the objectives of this project is to provide a systematic quality review of the Air Monitoring Systems of EPA Taiwan and the consultancy of the improvements can be made to enhance the quality of EPA’s Air Monitoring Systems.We use 6 attributes to define quality: capacity planning, monitoring and management, availability, reliability, maintainability and integrity. First this project surveyed the current systems profile, and then reviewed each system using the defined qulity attributes. Each system is reviewed, and a review report and improvement suggestion is produced. This project made the improvement of the most critical weakness of the system architecture.In this project, we also provide the backup and restore suggestion to improve the overall system availability and the data integration roadmap for the ongoing air quality data integration program.Two web applications are built to meet the system management and data analysis needs.A highly adjustable structure is used to design the Air Monitoring Systems registers management system in order to be tailored to adjust for different system features. And the Automatic Air Monitoring System history data statistic analysis system uses the air quality data since 1993 and provide the statistic analysis of the data to provide box-whisker, wind-rose, pollutant-rose and windbarb chart for the analysis of air quaity trend.Besides the application systems, this project also amend the Air Quality Monitoring in Taiwan brochure to provide the introduction of current achievements of the air quality monitoring of EPA Taiwan.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 長城安全網有限公司