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Title 高科技產業含低濃度有機溶劑廢水之高級處理設備研發
Abstract 本研究主要設計一實驗與模場系統來建立高級氧化程序對於高科技產業含廢溶劑廢水處理之技術。首先,確認實驗室的基本分析工作及高級氧化程序之操作模式,然後針對實際廢水之試驗與模場組裝測試進行後續加強研究,以獲得有用之操作參數,並據以建立此技術之相關資料。實驗室測試分析主要針對溶劑(異丙醇)、光阻劑(PGMEA、PGME)、去光阻劑(DMSO、NMP)等化學有機物質,本研究在實驗室中首先進行各單一溶液的配置(濃度控制於0.1~3%之間),同時使用本實驗室的批次高級氧化反應槽來進行不同高級氧化程序的組合(包括臭氧、臭氧/UV、過氧化氫/UV、臭氧/過氧化氫、臭氧/過氧化氫/UV等)。將實驗室所得最佳操作參數套用至模廠試驗,以求得不同高級氧化程序的降解情形,並據以推估技術或設備應用的可行性。 由實驗結果可知:當初始濃度為3%的異丙醇、恆溫25℃下,單獨使用臭氧降解結果,發現每克臭氧可分解6.5克異丙醇。在H2O2/UV氧化程序中,不同的溶液酸鹼值對異丙醇之降解效果並沒有顯著的影響,若以單純降解3%異丙醇的結果分析來看,H2O2/UV、UV/O3、H2O2/ O3、H2O2/ O3/ UV這四種高級氧化程序皆可達50%~60%去除率。當異丙醇的初始濃度降為0.1%時,H2O2/O3/UV及UV/O3在反應時間90分鐘內已可完全氧化異丙醇,且H2O2/O3/UV在中性溶液下可去除90%的總有機碳,達到相當高程度的礦化目的。在不同的溶液酸鹼條件下,使用H2O2/UV結合處理程序對PGME及PGME氧化的影響並不顯著,而H2O2添加劑量對於去除效率則有明顯的影響。本研究發現2 g/l是過氧化氫對PGME和PGMEA降解之最佳加藥劑量,提高過氧化氫劑量反而不利氫氧自由基的生成,因而減低其氧化效能。單獨臭氧和UV/O3研究顯示對PGME和PGMEA的氧化並不適合在pH值為5的條件下進行,當pH為10的鹼性情形下,本研究發現有較佳的去除效率,主要原因以氫氧自由基之氧化機制為主。對DMSO及NMP的氧化而言,在pH分別為3及10的情況下皆有較佳的去除效率,顯示臭氧分子的直接反應或是氫氧自由基的作用均能對DMSO和NMP產生相同的氧化降解能力;然而TOC的去除效率則在鹼性下較佳。在模廠測試試驗中,在不同高級氧化程序中針對所有的化合物 (IPA、DMSO、NMP)所獲得的降解效率,發現UV/O3/FeOOH及H2O2/O3/UV/FeOOH兩程序明顯優於H2O2 /O3/FeOOH。以模廠處理實際廢水而言,使用H2O2/O3/UV/FeOOH程序(臭氧及過氧化氫添加劑量均為1.05 g/L)對溶劑中的IPA、DMSO、NMP分別可達48%、50%、50%的降解效率,而COD的去除率則可達60%。針對日月光半導體含有機溶劑廢水之處理,本研究預期使用6000 g/day的臭氧劑量配合UV、過氧化氫及FeOOH觸媒將可以達到95% COD的去除,並可併入目前的放流水而不影響其放流水濃度,而整體處理成本較目前委外燃燒的方式每年可節省60%以上的處理成本。
EngTitle Development of Advanced Oxidation Processes Treatment Facility for Wasted-solvent Wastewater Generated from High-tech Industry
EngAbstract This study was to design a bench-scale experiment and fabricate a pilot-scale treatment plant to treat the industrial wastewater with wasted solvent using advanced oxidation processes. The investigation works in the laboratory were focused on the oxidation of some major solvents including IPA, PGME, PGMEA, DMSO, and NMP. To better comprehend the oxidation efficacy of using advanced oxidation processes, such as ozone, ozone/UV, hydrogen peroxide/UV, ozone/hydrogen peroxide, and ozone/hydrogen peroxide/UV, on the individual solvent component, batch oxidation reactor was used to facilitate the experimental operation. According to the results, it is found that 6.5 grams of IPA with initial concentration of 3% at 25℃ could be decomposed by each gram of ozone dosage. In addition, the processes of ozone/UV and ozone/hydrogen/UV used in this research show a significant removal of IPA for 50 ~ 60 percent. It does not show any difference at various pH values using hydrogen peroxide/UV to oxidize PGME and PGMEA. Ozonation and ozone/UV at alkaline pHs show a better reduction on target organics by the attacks of hydroxyl radicals. Due to the unsaturated functional group bonded on the chemical structure of DMSO and NMP, it was found the direct attack by ozone molecules or indirect reaction by OH radicals would have the identical decomposition ability. However, TOC removal shows that it has a better reduction under alkaline condition.During pilot scale test, the chosen processes, such as UV/O3/FeOOH and H2O2/O3/UV/FeOOH, were demonstrated to have better removal for all three compounds. The COD removal rate would be 60 percent. For the treatment of wasted-solvent wastewater in Zi-yuei-kuang semiconductor manufacturer, it is suggest that using ozone dosage at 6000 g per day plus UV, hydrogen peroxide, and iron catalyst should eliminate 95 percent of COD and satisfactorily meet the effluent standard by incorporating the discharge of other wastewaters. The annual disbursement will be saved for more than 60 percent comparing with the current contract of incineration treatment.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 逢甲大學創新育成中心