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Title 飲用水水源及水質中產毒藻種及藻類毒素之研究
Abstract 本計畫目的在於了解國內主要地面水水源以及淨水廠藻類及毒素流佈狀況,並收集及解析先進國家及組織之管制標準及策略,以做為建立國內藻類及毒素流佈資料、相關標準與管制策略等之參考。計畫中首先建立並應用液相層析質譜儀(LC/MS)於水源及水廠中進行流佈調查。本年度10座水庫及相關水廠調查結果顯示,因為豪雨及颱風之緣故,水源中藻類毒素濃度普遍低。其中兩水庫長期監測結果顯示,主要藻類代謝物如microcystins毒素及2-MIB臭味物質濃度等,隨著季節有變化之趨勢,在較溫暖之季節,其濃度值也相對較高。金門水源短期密集採樣分析結果顯示,取水口代表性藻臭物質2-MIB濃度日變化僅約20%以內;相對而言,微囊藻毒素則明顯隨著時間變化有高達數倍的差距。微囊藻毒素濃度與葉綠素、藍綠細菌濃度、臭味物質2-MIB等之相關性不高,但是與微囊藻數成正相關。淨水程序調查結果顯示,傳統淨水廠之各淨水流程幾乎對於微囊藻毒素均有去除效果,但是仍以加氯後到混凝沉澱前去除效果最為明顯,去除效率在低濃度下,微囊藻毒去除率平均約在於50%、高級淨水程序在較高濃度下去除效果約可以達到95%,但是今年度因濃度低及操作條件改變情況下,約有70%去除效果。具有浮除及慢砂濾單元去除效果約為46-76%左右。計畫中並建立與應用不同分子生物技術,研究中已建立PCR、DGGE、BioMarker、Real Time PCR等分子生物方法,並應用於國內主要水庫中,後續將可以持續應用於偵測現場水樣中毒性藻體基因定量及其族群變化。在水質標準及管制策略部份,本計畫已收集、並解析世界上十餘單位及國家,在藻類毒素及藍綠細菌之管制及應變方法。並以澳洲水質中心藍綠菌管理架構為參考,初步修改提出我國管理架構建議。
EngTitle Investigation of Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water Systems
EngAbstract Two major groups of cyanobacteria metabolites, microcystins and 2-MIB, and their associated toxin producers were monitored in 10 major drinking water reservoirs and corresponding waterworks nation-wide. Monitoring results from chemical analysis suggested that the algal metabolites monitored were present in most of the source water. Long-term monitoring data for two of the reservoirs indicated that the concentration of both 2-MIB and microcystins followed the trend that higher concentrations were present in warmer seasons. Strong correlations among 2-MIB concentration, microcystin concentration, and ambient temperature were found in the water samples. For the sampling in Tai Lake, Kin-Men Island, no strong correlations were observed for most of the algae and algal metabolites measured. However, a good correlation between microcystis sp. and microcystins concentrations was found.For the treatment efficiency in the waterworks, an up to 60% of microcystins removal efficiency for the waterworks with conventional treatment processes, 46-76% for the conventional waterworks with floatation and slow sand filtration units, and around 70 to >90% for the advanced waterworks.To identify the microcrocystin producers in the source waters, water samples from several reservoirs were analyzed following the procedures of DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) screening, DNA sequencing, and comparison with DNA database. Some of the reservoirs were also confirmed to have microcystis aeruginosa and microcystis sp. in the water. These techniques will be employed in the future for monitoring the community and quantity of toxic microcystis.For the management of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in the drinking water systems, documents relevant to regulation, guidance and early warning and response were collected from more than 10 countries or organization. Based on the information, a framework was suggested for the management of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in drinking water systems for different agencies.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會