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Title 94及95年度微粒超級監測站與光化學評估監測站操作品保及數據分析計畫
Abstract (a) 光化學評估監測站光化學評估監測計畫主要分為兩部份,一為對於所有測站數據品質監測與保證,二為對於高臭氧地區闡明臭氧形成機制。經過三年多操作經驗的累積,數據品質的監控有如標準作業程序已建立在中台灣光化學測站網且持續實施中,並累積出四年品質控管的數據累積。今年也已經在南部架設完成兩光化監測站,並將於明年度加入光化學評估監測站計畫內。 數據品保及品管方面,製作由分析系統注入56種混合標準品的所得之數據品管圖,使2005年中台灣資料完整度高於90%,顯示出測站維護與操作的成功。由2005年1月至10月氣象與量測資料顯示發生逆溫現象時會降低混合層高度而左右量測物種濃度的高低,低風速狀態下同樣會幫助一次污染物的累積。 光化現象則由夏季及秋季VOC氣團老化指標ethylbenzene/xylene進行探討,夏季臭氧濃度與ethylbenzene/xylene有極高的相關性,而秋季則有不一致的現象產生,推估存在其他與臭氧相關聯的因子必須被探究。(b) 微粒超級測站本計畫執行北部微粒超級測站操作運轉的每月定期和每兩個月不定期查核,此外,還包括硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽、微粒粒徑分布儀器每半年一次的儀器校正、儀器運轉與相對應人工監測方法比對、監測數據確認、數據彙整及分級等。在儀器運轉率方面,截至11月底,超級測站各項儀器除RP 8400N硝酸鹽監測儀和PMSP-CASP次微米粒徑分布儀外,其餘儀器均在85%以上。RP 8400N硝酸鹽監測儀由於自四月起有氣流洩漏問題,於十月更換新的閃火片底座後,儀器方恢復正常;PMS P-CASP是由於送回原廠解決零濃度雜訊問題。另外,在RP 5400碳監測儀方面則有監測數據明顯低估的現象,環保署已於十二月裝置新的Sunset碳監測儀取代原有的舊儀器。在微粒人工採樣比對方面,除了八月人工採樣與自動儀器在微粒質量濃度有絕對量的差異外,大致上PM10和PM2.5均有相當不錯的一致性。一般來說,人工採樣所獲得的質量濃度會比自動儀器略高,此原因可能為自動監測儀監測溫度稍高,以去除溼度的干擾,但也可能造成揮發性微粒物質的損失。RP 8400S硫酸鹽監測儀則與人工採樣有相當好的相關性,至於RP 5400碳成份分析儀監測濃度嚴重低估。本年度持續彙整新的微粒監測技術,並針對設置超級測站的運轉,提出後續的規劃,希望超級測站能夠持續提供有效的監測數據。
EngTitle Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Aerosol and Ozone precursor Monitoring from Supersite and Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMs) in 2005 and 2006
EngAbstract (a) PAMsThe objectives of the PAMS project are two fold, first to quality assure all the PAM stations and, second, to elucidate the ozone formation mechanism in seasonal high O3 area. After more than 3 years of operation experience the quality assurance plan as well as the standard operation procedure (SOP) have been designed and executed in the PAMS network deployed in central Taiwan and 4 years worth of data has been accumulated and quality controlled for data analysis. Monitoring data of 2005 has been examined for the relationship between meteorology and concentrations. It is found that strong inversion in fall augments the concentration by reducing the degree of mixing. Slower wind speed also facilitates the build-up of primary pollutants. Excellent correlation between ozone levels and ratios of ethylbenzene/xylene was observed for the summer months. Nevertheless, inconsistency between ratios and ozone levels was found for the fall months, suggesting there exists other ozone contributors that needs to be further explored. (b)SupersiteThis project performs monthly scheduled and bi-monthly random inspections on the maintenance and operation of Taiwan Aerosol Supersite (Supersite). In addition, half of the year instrument calibrations for sulfate, nitrate and aerosol size distribution, collocated instrument intercomparisons between automated and manual methods, data validation, and data classification, etc. are also included in this project.Different monitoring techniques were also intercompared between automated and manual methods this year. For aerosol mass concentration. In general, the results from manual collection were a little bit higher than the automated method. It was probably due to the higher temperature setting than ambient air in automated method to circumvent the interference from air moisture which would evaporate semi-volatile species in the collected aerosol.To provide effective monitoring data persistently, new aerosol monitoring techniques are updated and the future operation planning is also proposed in this year.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學王家麟教授、李崇德教授