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Title 我國環境服務業國際競爭力分析
Abstract 本研究計畫之重點主要有兩部份,包括我國環境服務業之國際競爭力分析以及WTO貿易與環境相關議題最新發展趨勢掌握及我國之因應及立場研擬。研究結果顯示: 一、 推估之RCA指標顯示,目前中國大陸與東南亞各國中,除印度、泰國與新加坡之國際競爭力優於我國外,中國大陸、馬來西亞、印尼、越南以及菲律賓均不如我國。二、 迴歸結果顯示,台灣對東南亞各國的直接投資與環境服務業出口成長間呈顯著關係,因此加強東南亞國家投資應有利於環境服務業競爭力提升與發展;此外,台灣對香港與越南的直接投資,最能用來解釋台灣環境服務業出口值成長,為主要原因之一。三、 我國環境服務業競爭力綜合分數為57.6分,屬於「不佳」等級,其中相關產業支援性僅獲得9.4分,最不具競爭力;其次是生產要素指標僅獲得13.8分,均是未來提升環保服務業競爭力之努力方向;而管理與市場效率,獲得最高分(18.4分),是我國環境服務業競爭力的來源;若進一步檢視生產要素競爭力因素,本研究發現企業研發支出表現不佳是未來企業著力重點。
EngTitle The International Competitiveness of Taiwan's Environmental Service Industry
EngAbstract This research mainly includes the analysis of international competitiveness of Taiwan’s environmental service industry; report on WTO and environmental issues and trends, and the stance of our country and related strategy. This research reveals three main points as follows:(1) According to RCA index, Taiwan precedes Mainland China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines;while India, Singapore and Thailand are ahead of Taiwan.(2) The regression analysis shows the significant correlation between the direct investments on Southeast and the export expansion of environmental service industry. Cases of direct investments in Hong Kong and Vietnam are two most persuasive proofs to show the export expansion of Taiwan’s local environmental service industry. (3) The general score of Taiwan’s environmental service industry is 57.6, which ranks “poor.” Among the evaluations, the most disadvantaged part is the supporting of related industries, which scores only 9.4, and the index of production factors precedes above one, which scores only 13.8. Improving these two dimensions will be the main direction for advancing competitiveness of Taiwan’s environmental service industry. The management and marketing efficiency posits the highest rank for the mark of 18.4, apparently contributing to the competitiveness of Taiwan’s environmental service industry. By probing into the competitiveness of production factors, this research also discovers that future enterprises should make more efforts in order to improve the poor performance on R&D.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣經濟研究院