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Title 94年度環保署委託計畫檢測數據品保查核計畫
Abstract 1.完成委託計畫檢測數據品保查核、評鑑及數據資料查核30件,10件複查,完成率100%。2.舉辦品保座談會2次。3.輔導高雄縣及高雄市環保局委託計畫品保查核。4.完成提出品保規畫書內容項目及相關查核文件之修正建議,以及提出範本。(詳見期末報告附件八、附件九及附件十)5.完成有關本計畫之分析、統計等工作,詳列於工作計畫書中,並敘明預期成果與效益。6.定期(每月一次)召開內部協調、溝通、諮商會議10次。
EngTitle 94 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
EngAbstract Environmental data is very important in the policy-making process. EPA has contracted lots of projects for monitoring, collecting, and analyzing the environmental data. In order to obtain high quality data, series of control processes should be conducted including sampling, sample storage and handling, instrument calibrations and measurements and data processing.The primary goal of Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is to ensure that all environmental data, derived by contracted project, are of sufficient quality to support the data"s intended use. An audit program is necessary to make sure that the quality of QAPP has been fulfilled. This project has been conducted to evaluate the data quality of EPA contracted projects.30EPA projects were audited for 33 times, including 10 re-audited projects. The first seminars were held on 4/6 at EPA , R.O.C 5F First Meeting room. The second seminars were held on 11/22 at International Conference Center, National Taiwan Normal University.One sample plan had been developed by using the format of USEPA 2002「Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans」. The goals of this project have been fulfilled after all.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司