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Title 環境污染物指紋資料庫之建置
Abstract 本年度為環境污染物指紋資料庫建置三年計畫(93~95)之第二年,本計畫係定位為上位之管理計畫,進行與本計畫相關委辦計畫進度管理與規劃修正事宜。目的在協助有效管理與整合指紋資料庫建置計畫之分項與子項計畫的執行成果,並完成署內指紋相關委辦計畫資料建置的執行與成果整合。本年度計畫之工作內容,以協助環檢所建立行業指紋建置相關之作業程序、93~94年度環檢所委辦計畫以及91~92年度環保署相關委辦計畫之指紋資料審查與彙整工作為主。同時,協助執行資料庫整合及維護案單位修改軟體。並協助及指導環保單位利用「環保署指紋資料庫」追查不明廢棄物污染源。本計畫執行成果(1)修訂/建立指紋建置相關之作業程序/準則包括指紋建置工作規劃、指紋分級原則、工作規劃執行成果評估等。(2)彙整完成91~92年環保署相關委辦計畫之144件樣品指紋資料。(3)逐筆審查/評估93年度建置完成之7種行業廢棄物指紋資料。(4)查驗執行中子項計畫品質及審查本年度建置完成之6種行業廢棄物樣品之指紋資料(5)協助環檢所針對兩起非法棄置案利用指紋鑑定技術及資料庫追查廢棄物產源。
EngTitle The Establishment of the Fingerprinting Database for the Environmental Pollutants
EngAbstract This project is defined as an upper management project that is in charge of the revision of the management and plan of the other fingerprint-related projects contracted by Taiwan EPA.The goal of this project is to assist the effective management and synergism of the accomplishments of the other fingerprint-related projects contracted by Taiwan EPA. The content of this project is to help Environmental Analysis Laboratory (EAL) of Taiwan EPA to establish (1) the operation procedure of the fingerprint establishment and application for Environmental Pollutants of different industrial sectors; (2) the data review, collection and classification of the projects contracted by EAL of Taiwan EPA from 2004 to 2006; (3) the data review, collection and classification of the projects contracted by Taiwan EPA from 2002 to 2003; (4) to assist the use, maintenance, and software revision of the fingerprinting database; (5) to assist the environmental agencies how to use this fingerprinting database to identify the origin of the illegal dumping of the wastes. The accomplishments of this project include: (1) revision and establishment of the fingerprints of the related operation procedures and guidelines includes the project plans of the fingerprint’s establishment and application, the principle for grading the fingerprints, the evaluation of the project plan,etc; (2) to collect and classify the fingerprint’s information of 144 samples of the contracted projects of Taiwan EPA from 2002 t0 2003; (3) to review and evaluate the establishment and application of the fingerprinting information of the 7 industrial sectors of 2004; (4) to audit the fingerprinting information of the wastes of 6 industrial sectors of fingerprint-related projects contracted by Taiwan EPA of 2005; (5) to assist EAL of Taiwan EPA to use the fingerprinting technology and this established fingerprinting database to identify the origin of two real case studies of the illegal dumping of wastes.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 工研院環安中心