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Title 檢討研修固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準及可行性評估計畫
Abstract 固定源排放標準自八十一年四月十日發布以來,雖然歷經多次的小幅修正,其數值與架構並未有大幅的檢討及修正。因應各項檢測與申報數據資料庫漸趨完整,污染源防制技術趨於成熟,廠商及民眾的環保觀念及水準逐年提昇,實應檢討修正固定源排放標準。本計畫為檢討過去固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準的合理性與適切性,並參照國內外數據資料研提標準的修訂草案,進行研提草案對業界造成的衝擊與可行性評估,將做為政策擬訂與專家會議之內容之外,也是面對業界公開說明會的佐證資料。對於硫氧化物、氮氧化物及粒狀污染物排放標準之修訂建議如下:(一)硫氧化物,液體燃料的濃度主要受到燃料含硫份的影響,建議含硫份限值為0.5%,並取消誤差值的規定,對應的排放標準則為250ppm。(二)氮氧化物排放管道排放標準依據設立日期及縣市別而有既存及新設標準。隨著燃料含硫份的統一,建議氮氧化物排放標準統一調整為新設標準。(三)粒狀污染物排放標準為排氣量的函數,較為複雜,而國情較為接近的日本及韓國採用排氣量級距,單一數值標準的作法。專家學者座談會中,委員建議採用韓國1999年排放標準。排氣量大於100Nm3/min者,排放標準為50mg/Nm3;排氣量小於100 Nm3/min者,排放標準為150mg/Nm3。
EngTitle The Review of the Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard
EngAbstract The Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard has promulgated since April 10, 1992. The emission standard and control guidelines had only little modified during those years. Based on the completeness of stack test and inventory of emission database, the maturity of technology of pollution control technology and the enhancement of the environmental concepts from industrials and public. It is necessary to revise the Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard.The objectives of this project are to review the existing Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard, to collect the Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard of the other country, to formulate the drafted newly Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard and to evaluate the impact of the drafted new Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard. The suggestion of the newly Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard for SOx, NOx and particulate are as follows:The SOx concentration is influenced by the sulfur content of fuel. It was recommended that the sulfur content should not exceeded 0.5% and eliminated the guideline of error value.The existing of NOx standard had distinguished between the existing and newly installed facilities. According to the same baseline of sulfur content of fuel in the near future, it is recommended that all of the emission standard should adopted to the newly installed. The existing particulate standard was calculated by different exhaust volume. It is recommended that the emission standards of particulate will be referred that the exhaust volume exceeds 100Nm3/min, the standards will be 50mg/Nm3; the exhaust volume is smaller than 100 Nm3/min, the standards will be 150mg/Nm3. (based on Korea’s guideline)
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司