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Title 地下水污染擴散模式建立之研究
Abstract 計畫之目的即為根據現場地質鑽探資料、水文地質分析及地下水檢測結果,利用三維地下水污染傳輸模式,模擬評估污染物於地下水系統中之可能傳輸情形及未來分布狀況,據以建立地下水污染源鑑定方式、評估場址污染之危害性及因應之整治方案,並以實例驗證其應用於地下水污染案件產源追蹤之可行性,期能達到保護水資源之目的。本計畫利用三維地下水污染傳輸模式,建立地下水污染源鑑定程序,以國內地下水污染實際案例驗證其應用於地下水污染來源追蹤之可行性。並建立地下水污染傳輸模式之使用手冊及地下水污染源鑑定之標準操作程序手冊及辦理相關教育訓練與技術轉移。主要工作包括收集相關文獻資料、發展地下水污染擴散模式之應用程序、建立地下水污染物來源之追蹤程序、完成三個實際污染案之污染源追蹤與提供傳輸模式使用手冊與地下水污染源鑑定之標準操作程序手冊。
EngTitle Apply groundwater flow and contaminant transport models to optimize the identification of the pollution source and release history
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to develop a methodology to optimized identify the groundwater pollution source and contaminant release history. To achieve this main goal, groundwater flow and contaminant transport models are used to forward simulate pollution transport underground in the beginning; and together with an optimization method, the inverse problem are solved by repeating solving the forward problem with different parameters, source locations, and release history.Several works had been down, including: related paper review and report collection, establish the procedure to assess groundwater models, create an optimization model to identify the pollution source and contaminant history, apply the source identification method to real pollution cases to prove its practicability. In the end, the standard operation procedure for source identification is given for further application in soil and groundwater remediation and environment protection.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學