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Title 海岸重大計畫對於生態環境衝擊關聯性之研析專案工作計畫
Abstract 為釐清國家建設計畫與海域生態環境之關聯以及海岸政策之執行,首先應掌握海岸環境與管理現況,對過去發生之課題進行檢討並提出建議,以供行政院海洋事務推動委員會擬定海洋政策與規劃之參考。本研究以課題分析為導向,深入探討三個海岸開發案件-台北港、雲林離島工業區及彰濱工業區,歸納課題發生原因,再將範圍擴及海岸地區其他類型之開發行為,依課題發生頻率及影響程度分類,兼以參考國內外文獻與案例,提出具體建議與對策。研究發現,目前環境影響評估制度僅針對單一開發行為進行評估,無法整體考量累積性環境衝擊;環境基本資料的調查缺乏整合造成資源浪費,資料的可信度也頗受質疑;而開發行為的追蹤監督則因資料龐大且審查人力不足而成效有限。為解決海岸開發所產生的環境問題,本研究建議相關單位應就海岸地區之環境承載力,提出海岸政策環境影響評估;重大開發行為必須辦理預審與諮詢方能提出,並建立影響評估規範或技術手冊供開發單位依循;此外基本環境調查與監測計畫應予整合,並建立分析系統協助監督作業進行;更刻不容緩的是海岸法立法及國土綜合開發計畫之推動,方能邁向「生態、安全、繁榮之海洋國家」願景。
EngTitle The Analysis on the Relation of Coastal Development and Ecological Environment Impact
EngAbstract The purpose of the project is to evaluate the coastal environments and the administrations of coastal developments in order to make suggestions for the coastal policy to the Ocean Affair Committee, Executive Yuan.The project evaluates 3 case studies, Port of Taipei, The Yunlin Off-Shore Industrial Zone and Chung Hua Coastal Industrial Park .It begins with the issues of the impact to the coast, including the impact frequency and degree, it also refers other domestic and overseas cases and records to complete the suggestions .The followings are the results of the project:1. The current environmental assessments are too simplex to conclude the accumulated coastal impact.2. The in-coordinate information of the coastal environments is not reliable and needs to be integrated.3. The administrations of the coastal developments are ineffective due to the lack of overall information.In order to solve the ecological environment impact which comes with the coastal developments, some suggestions are borough as the following items:1. The sectors in charge of the coast affairs should consider the environment capacity during the proceeding of the Environmental Impact Assessment.2. The sectors in charge of the coast management should improve the standards and rules of the Environmental Impact Assessment. This affords the coastal developers a clear guide-line prior to improvement of EIA.3. The environmental administrations should be more coordinated. It also needs to establish the environment analysis system to strength the administrations.In conclusion, the establishment of the National integrated Development Plan will lead the country to be wonderful and maritime.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣大學地理環境資源學系