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Title 94年度廚餘回收再利用宣導及評鑑輔導專案工作計畫
Abstract 國內的廚餘產生量約佔家庭垃圾之23.7%左右,由於含有大量水份及易腐爛有機質,因此容易發臭,且易造成處理上之困擾。若棄置於掩埋場,將由於高濃度滲出水增加污水處理場之負荷。而若送到焚化廠更將因為水份高,熱值低,降低焚化之能源回收效益。然而廚餘中含豐富的有機質成份,因此具資源回收再利用之價值。本計畫已完成全國各縣市廚餘計畫評鑑及進行20場次堆肥場技術輔導,提供正確操作技術及改善規劃建議。此外,對於廚餘應用厭氧或乾燥後飼料化再利用之可行性亦進行評估及分析等。為加強教育宣導,本計畫另編撰廚餘回收再利用操作管理參考手冊,供各縣市執行人員參考,以及錄製電視宣導短片並於電視台播放,鼓勵民眾配合廚餘回收再利用工作。由各縣市之努力,目前全國廚餘回收已達1200噸/日,已達成本年度預定目標,因此後續應規劃妥善再利用及降低二次污染方案,以使廚餘回收再利用工作得以永續推動。
EngTitle The 2005 project on the assistance, assessment of the clearance and reuse procedure of food waste
EngAbstract The portion of food waste in the municipal solid waste was estimated to 23.7% in Taiwan, most of which are perishable and result in disagreeable odor because of high content of biodegradable matters. Obviously it is not an adequate strategy to dump in landfill because of high concentration in leaching wastewater, and recycling is believed to be a better strategy. This project has finished several tasks as required by EPA, such as: assessments in kitchen waste recycling of the local government, technique assessments of twenty composting plant, to provide the knowledge for adequate operation. Meanwhile, for the improvement of the effectiveness in utilization, anaerobic digestion and drying as feeding was also investigated. On the other hand, a guidebook of operation and management was edited for the reference of the executors in kitchen waste recycling. To encourage citizen comply with the requirement of kitchen waste recycling, an education video program was produced and broadcasted in TV. Thanks to the efforts of every counties and cities, the total amount of recycled kitchen waste was attained 1,200 ton/d, which reaches the target of 2005. For further promotion, it is very important to study an adequate strategy in utilization, and minimize the pollution emitted.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院