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Title 垃圾焚化灰渣再利用廠及最終處置場設置推動專案
Abstract 為配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)持續推動灰渣再利用廠及最終處置場之設置工作,本年度計畫執行成果摘述如下:一、協助「設置計畫」核定後審查或辦理相關事項(一)訂定縣市灰渣再利用申請計畫書審查作業程序,並協助環保署針對縣市政府所提出之灰渣再利用申請計畫書進行審查。(二)協助進行灰渣再利用廠委託處理補助款審查作業,並統計再利用量、補助金額及執行進度。二、彙整最終處置場設置計畫之推動成效(一)配合行政院「擴大公共投資提振景氣方案」,鼓勵民間投入資金總額投入此設置計畫,並彙整本計畫達成成效。(二)記錄本年度相關紀錄、事蹟檔案資料報告書包括各縣(市)辦理方式、核定補助量、技術顧問機構、執行現況(經費支用比例、進度)、計畫過程摘要。三、其他幕僚記錄(一)摘錄彙整「設置計畫」之推動執行記錄。(二)成立本計畫及相關要點規範說明等部分提供諮詢專人專責服務窗口,並建置計畫網頁。(三)彙整各目的事業主管機關事業廢棄物處理設置規劃及執行情形。(四)協助環保署召開與本計畫有關之事業廢棄物業務協調聯繫會報。(五)協助掌握追蹤應置廢棄物專業技術人員之事業,其廢棄物專業技另術人員之設置情形及自行清除處理許可申請情形,彙整統計專責人員設置情形,另針對專責人員設置與自行清除處理許可管理提供建議。
EngTitle Project on the Establishment of Refuse Incinerated Ash Reuse Plants & Terminal Disposal Plants
EngAbstract In line with the project on the establishment of ash reuse plants and terminal disposal plants (hereinafter referred to as “establishment project”) launched by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as “EPA,” the execution summaries of this year are given as follows. 1.Assist in the examination upon approval of the “establishment project” or handle related issues: (1)Formulate the examination procedures for provincial and municipal ash reuse application proposals and help the EPA examine the ash reuse application proposals submitted by the provincial and municipal government;(2)Assist in the subsidy examination of ash reuse plants and compile statistics on usage volume, subsidy amount, and execution progress. 2.Organize the Implementation Results of the Project on the Establishment of Terminal Disposal Plants: (1)In line with the “Project on Expanding Public Investment & Promoting Prosperity” of the Executive Yuan, it encourages private investment in this establishment project and summarizes the implementation results of this project. (2)Record related documents, events, files, and reports of this year, including: provincial (municipal) management procedures, approval of subsidies, technical consultancies, implementation progress (expenditure ratio, progress), and project summary. 3. Other Taskforce Records:(1)Summarize the implementation records of this “establishment project.” (2)Formulate this project and related guidelines and stipulations for consultation in service windows and develop this project website. (3)Organize the establishment project on refuse disposal and its execution summary of different targeted central industry competent authorities. (4)Help the EPA call coordination meetings for industrial refuse service providers related to this project. (5)Control and track the businesses of refuse technicians, conditions for the employability of refuse technicians and self-management of disposal applications, conditions of the employability of statistics personnel.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司