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Title 環境資料庫標準系統推動、跨部會資料庫整合及環保知識庫規劃暨教育宣導計畫(94年度)
Abstract 本專案於94年度推動工作重點在於建立環境資料標準系統、跨部會資料庫整合規劃、規劃環保知識庫、並將成果進行教育宣導等重點工作。在環境資料標準系統之推動上,主要為規劃跨業務處環境資料之管理、環境辭彙審核作業、規劃設計具空間尺度之環境資料標準及規劃地方與跨部會環境資訊整合方案。本案將歐盟的GEMET詞彙資料庫進行中文化並進行定義審核作業,共完成2500餘筆環境辭彙;參考國土資訊系統規範,針對具空間尺度之環境資料建置共通之標準,並完成81個圖檔資料之標準訂定,其訂定的環境資料元素標準格式,可為未來跨業務處、地方與跨部會的資料進行整合管理之基礎。在跨部會資料庫整合規劃方面之資訊品質系統部份,以系統分析之概念,參考美國環保署之品質系統,規劃我國環境資訊品質之管理體系與架構,本年度重點在提高環境資訊品質管理系統之完整性與有效性,及規劃環境資訊品質驗證制度,配合環保署現有之相關制度與作法提出近期之推動方案。在環境資訊資源之整合與交換制度規劃方面,依據事件化物件導向模型及XML交換格式,修訂更易於管理使用之詮釋資料屬性項目;其中地理資料詮釋部分則參考94年『國土資訊系統詮釋資料修訂』草案及依循國際ISO19115規範建議方向研訂,同時記錄資料描述項目與『環境資料庫詮釋系統』與『國土資訊系統詮釋資料庫』的對應關係,便於日後進行詮釋資料交換作業。並進一步規劃數位物件登錄流程,與資料整合之標準作業程序。在環保知識庫之規劃上本年度根據中央與地方需求,規劃包括環境保護計畫應用系統、污染源整合分析系統、地方環境保護計畫應用指標、及一般民眾環境資訊加值應用系統等案例,將各級環境資訊進行加值應用。為推廣本計劃之成果與目標,本年度亦舉辦多項教育宣導工作,包括二場座談會以及一場成果發表會。整體而言,除達到計畫工作事項之要求外,並逐步達成環境資料庫觀念與應用的推廣。
EngTitle The establishment of environmental information standard mechanism, the development of environmental information integration across government departments, planning environmental information applicatio
EngAbstract The project focus on the setting up environmental information standard mechanism, developing environmental information resource and data quality system across government departments, and planning environmental information application system, and advertisement, etc.The task provides over 2500 environmental vocabularies including the Chinese version definitions of the term and explanation with examining and announcement. The common spatial environmental data standard is established referring to the rules from National Land Information System, and 81 map files data standards has been accomplished. For the environmental metadata integration and exchange system planning, setting the events as the relationship between different types data which occurred or been set from the same events, and proposing the procedures of digital objects register and data integration system. Comparing the new revised environmental geographic metadata system with the currently used「Meta Data System of Environmental Data Base」and being developed 「Meta Data Base of National Land Information System」 for the advantage of meta data shifting. Developing the data quality certification system includes. processes of QA/QC in the data production procedure and a simplified procedure for data quality had been proposed for recent implementation.Three applications of EPA environmental information database were suggested. There are the systems for central and local authorities and public use, which are the “National environmental protection plan system”,“Integrated pollution source database analysis system”, “Indices system of local environmental protection plans”, and a consulting system of “Environmental data window to your home live” for public use.For publicizing the targets and goals of this project and promoting the concept and application of environmental database, two panel discussions and one conference had been held. All the demands and goals of the project should been accomplished in conclusion.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學環境工程研究所