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Title 印染顏料業之事業廢棄物清理技術調查評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫之主要成果為,針對印染整理業(1050)及塗料、染料顏料製造業(1810) 兩個行業別完成以下事項:(一)針對國內廢棄物91-93年申報數據作分析,參考現訪結果,對數據變化進行說明;(1)申報量逐年遞增之趨勢,讓人以為產業廢棄物持續增加中,實際上是因為焚化爐排放標準提高所致。可知申報數據之分析需搭配廠商現訪;(2)另,廠商實際再利用比例高於申報比例,此為廠商對有價物資不視為廢棄物所致。(二)現行廢棄物製程代碼,易讓廠商產生誤解,如高達67.3%之業者因不知或無法找到合適之代碼,採用“其他印染整理業加工程序(1050-099)”作申報。因此建議部分代碼修改其名稱,並新增製程代碼。(三)製作製程代碼與廢棄物關聯:完成印染整理業(13個製程代碼,16種製程代碼)和塗料、染料、顏料業(15個製程代碼,4類製程)各製程單元原物料與產出廢棄物之對照表,可供未來勾稽之用;(四)完成廢棄物進行採樣及檢測:發現本行業別所產生的污泥,以TCLP所得重金屬含量不高(低於有害認定標準)。但若參考ICP/AES測試結果,分析之5樣污泥類廢棄物皆不符合「土壤管制標準」與「肥料管理法」之「肥料種類品目及規格」之重金屬含量管制標準,故在廢棄物再利用方面應特別注意。(五)調查具行業別特色廢棄物或量大者(如污泥、煤灰、廢木材、廢纖維、DMF、溶劑)之流向,檢討其適當性,並提出推動零廢棄與後續管理之具體建議。
EngTitle Project on the investigation and evaluation of waste disposal technologies in both the printing and dyeing, and pigments and dyes manufacturing industries
EngAbstract The list of achievements accomplished in this project for both the printing and dyeing and the pigments and dyes manufacturing industries are as listed below:1) Evaluation and analysis of the reported data on the production of waste in the past 3 years (2002-2004) with reference to the information collected during onsite investigation2)The inadequacy of the existing manufacturing process code has led to the unsatisfactory accuracy of the reported data. As much as 67.3% of the business operators has difficulty selecting the appropriate code and chosen the code of 1050-099 which stands for “other printing and dyeing processes”. Therefore the revision of the manufacturing process code, which is primarily the changing of name and addition of new codes, has been suggested.3) Compilation of table mapping the raw materials required and the waste produced in each processing unit, with relation to the existing manufacturing process codes.4) Through the sampling and testing of waste within the industry, it was discovered that the sludge tested has managed to pass the TCLP test are therefore considered as non-hazardous, however the ICP test show 5 of the samples failed to pass the heavy metal content in the “Soil restriction .standard” and the “fertilizer specification” in the “fertilizer management standard, which means extra attentions is required in the recycling and reuse of such wastes.5) Investigations on wastes associated with the industry or large in quantity such as are sludge, coal ashes, waste wood, waste fiber, dimethyl-formamide (DMF), waste solvents, are carried out to examine the legitimacy and suitability on the recycling and reuse of such wastes followed by the recommendation in the promotion of zero-waste and management related policies.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會