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Title 一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄專案整合工作計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為檢討我國垃圾處理方式,納入以源頭減量與資源再生利用精神,並針對相關環境政策、法律、策略及教育等進行修正與檢討,並推動全分類零廢棄之政策,擬定三年行動計畫—「垃圾全分類零廢棄群組行動計畫」,並委託執行多個研究調查計畫,以規劃執行並落實「垃圾全分類零廢棄」,本計畫即為三年行動計畫中之一環,本計畫執行之工作內容包括:l.推動一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄整合工作2.推動廚餘及巨大垃圾再利用工作3.規劃有害垃圾回收清除處理體系與管理工作4.一般廢棄物分類成份調查工作5,建置及整合一般廢棄物基線資料相關申報系統,並建置、擴充及 維護「一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄」宣導網站
EngTitle The integrated plan on complete sorting and zero-waste for general solid waste
EngAbstract In order to review our garbage treatment way, to involve the spirit of source reduction and resource reclamation, and to promote the policy of complete sorting and zero disposing based on the revision and review of related environmental policy, law, strategy and education etc., the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Executive Yuan proposes a 3-year action plan – “Group Action Plan for Complete Sorting and Zero Disposing of Garbage”. Several research and investigation projects are entrusted to excuse “Complete Sorting and Zero Disposing of Garbage”. This project is one of 3-year action plan. The contents of this project include:l.To promote the integration task for complete sorting and zero disposing of common garbage2.To promote the reuse of kitchen refuse and huge garbage3.To plan recycle/disposal/treatment system and management task of hazardous garbage4.The investigation task for the sorting components of common waste5.To set and integrate related reporting system for the baseline information of common waste, and set, expand and maintain “Complete Sorting and Zero Disposing of Common Waste” promulgation website
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司