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Title 94年社區環境改造專案管理
Abstract 本計畫之工作項目包括四大部分:(一)辦理六場次直轄市及縣市執行「社區環境改造計畫」輔導會議;(二)甄選及安排赴日本訓練觀摩,回國後召開訓練觀摩成果說明會三場次;(三)製作94年社區環境改造計畫成果專輯及更新社區環保行動網;(四)評量社區環境改造前後環境民眾滿意度及家戶資源回收提升度。工作內容摘要如下:一、辦理直轄市及縣市執行「社區環境改造計畫」輔導會議於六月中、七月初及七月底舉辦六場次輔導會議,並將專家學者所提出的綜合建議整理以成為本年度提案社區提供相關推動方向及執行過程中重要的參酌依據。二、甄選及安排赴日本訓練觀摩,回國後召開訓練觀摩成果說明會甄選作業以書面審查之方式進行,以「推動社區環境改造計畫執行績效」及「推薦赴日人選說明」為審查主題,甄選會議於94年5月25日召開。獲選人員於94年6月19日至94年6月25日赴日本訓練觀摩推動造町計畫具成效之市町。在出國受訓結束後,本計畫團隊於94年9月22日、94年9月27日,以及94年10月4日辦理北、中、南三場次的經驗交流會,三場參加人數總計487人。經驗交流會中將在日本受訓的成果、感想,以及學員本身在推動社區環境改造的經驗,與從事社區環境改造相關者一同分享。三、製作94年社區環境改造計畫成果專輯及更新社區環保行動網成果專輯部分為從現有從事環境改造經驗的三百個社區中,依其執行成效、社區特質及配合意願作為篩選主要機制,挑選三十個社區作為成果專輯的主體。積極聯繫社區單位,並懇請社區提供相關文字內容與相片,成果專輯內容的適宜性為與委辦單位承辦人員確認。94年社區改造成果專輯內容包括社區基本介紹、社區近年概況、社區發展的重點、以及社區希望進行改造的動機與期望、執行的成果與整個社區未來的展望、當地文化特色、對環境改造有貢獻者的故事等。社區環保行動網的資料新增部分,更新90、93及94年社區環境改造成果專輯共83個社區,更新第十三屆環保模範社區22個、社區導覽部分將增設到日本參訪的5個社區,以及參與伙伴部分增加40個社區之資料,共計150頁網頁。四、評量社區環境改造前後環境民眾滿意度及家戶資源回收提升度 本工作項目乃以問卷調查方式執行,問卷設計以「民眾滿意度」及「環保行動」作為訪問項目的兩大主軸,以現訪及電話抽樣調查。抽樣調查的對象為今年全國近300個提案社區中抽出的30個社區,本計畫團隊派員於十月至十一月親自到現場做電話訪問抽樣調查50人次,達到層層抽樣,以期問卷的有效性,共訪問1500人次。分別統計與分析環境改善工作的人口比例、居民感到有改善社區環境之人口比例、感到滿意的社區改造工作以及資源回收次數提升之人口比例,其數據可作為全國各地區執行成果的參考。
EngTitle Project for Environmental Enhancement and Management of Community in 2005
EngAbstract The main works in this project included four parts:(1)After completing the prepared arrangement, six successive meetings were held from the middle of June to the end of July in 2005. In principle, the assistant meetings were based on the two-way communication between experts and representatives from various communities. Practical suggestions and advices were provided by these attendant experts in terms of problems occurred during the implementation of environmental enhancement in community. (2)With respect to the promotional visit to Japan, the selection of members was carried in the beginning. To sum up, 17 participants from local cities and counties were chosen at the selection meeting held on May 25th this year. The promotional visit to Japan was taken place from 19th to 25th in June. In order to share the invaluable experiences of visiting to Japan, three conferences with 487 attendants were held after this visit to Japan. (3)In terms of compiling the publication of the achievement in the environmental development of community in 2005, 30 communities were selected to be the main part of this specific publication. The contents of this publication include basic introduction to community, the current situation of community, the priority of community development, and future prospect ion. For upgrading the information about the Community Environment Action Website, total 150 pages of website including excellent and model community in 2001 and 2004 were completed. (4)Concerning evaluating the effectiveness of environmental enhancement, it was carried out by questionnaire associated with telephone investigation in community. In consideration of the impartial analysis, all samples of questionnaire were randomly selected. Overall, the main result indicated that 74 % people investigated considered improvement in environment was achieved in 2005.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會