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Title 重大污染源指紋建立技術之研究
Abstract 依據環保署92年度委辦「環境污染物指紋資料庫建置綱要計畫」規劃內容,以建立塗料、染料及顏料製造業(1810)、原料藥製造業(1821)、農藥及環境衛生用藥製造業(1826)廢棄物指紋成分資料,建構於環境污染物指紋檢索系統中,期能協助環保署及國內縣市環保機關稽查鑑定非法棄置事業廢棄物來源。本計畫工作內容為事業廢棄物特性及化學組成之指紋資料建置。首先,收集環保署廢棄物管制中心清理計畫書申報資料,彙整廠家原物料、製程、污染防治設備、廢棄物產生種類及數量等資料,依據製程及廢棄物特性,篩選塗料、染料及顏料製造業、原料藥製造業、農藥及環境衛生用藥製造業代表性廠家,進行工廠實地訪查及採樣,共訪查34家廠家、採集85件樣品;依上位計畫規劃之樣品檢測流程,共完成80件樣品分析;將行業製程文獻資料、廠家訪查取得資料再與樣品分析結果進行研判比對,完成廢棄物指紋成分資料,進而鍵入環境指紋資料庫中;最後完成行業產製程廢棄物指紋採證,特性及化學組成指紋評析報告,以及建立不同行業/製程別廢棄物採證、分析的標準作業程序。塗料、染料製造業中,塗料廠使用溶劑主要有松香水及高沸點之石油醚類化合物,有些來自回收再利用者,成分多半複雜且不穩定。針對不同廠家使用之溶劑,藉由GC/MS分析石油醚與松香水中之芳香烴,酯類,酮類,醇類化合物比例,可比較出廠家之異同。光碟染料製造業產出廢溶劑,樣品組成為CD-R與DVD-R製程混合廢液,無法以單一LC分析條件判定成份。原料藥業製造廢棄物,組成多為水溶性佳且為非揮發性有機物,無法以傳統GC/MS方法檢出,選擇產製程資料完整,且基質相對乾淨之樣品,以LC/MS 採SIM mode方式,針對特定分子予以分析。衛生署強制管制藥品類物質,如麻黃鹼類化合物可以GC/MS衍生化法予以檢出。農藥及環境衛生用藥製造業,國內各廠產品同質性低,分析結果差異性大;本行業採集之污泥廢棄物,其有機成分與原物料及產品成分相關性差,顯示製程效率高,並無原料浪費或產品殘留廢棄物的情形。
EngTitle Establish the Environmental Pollutants Fingerprints Data-base
EngAbstract The purpose of this project was to work together with the governmental responsible team to establish a database of environmental fingerprints of primary pollutant sources, which could be used to search, recognize or compare characteristics of environmental pollutants. Specifically focusing on paint, dyes and colors industry(code:1810), active pharmaceutical ingredients industry(code:1821), as well as insecticide industry(code:1826), on-site surveys and process waste analyses were conducted. The works included (A) Collecting and analyzing data of these industries(B) Selecting specific manufacturers and processes (C) On site sampling and investigation (D) Lab testing (E) Establishing the fingerprint data of pollutants (F) Fingerprint data commentaryAfter screening, 25 representative manufacturers in paint, dyes and colors industry (1810) were chosen and 56 samples were collected while 8 representative manufacturers in active pharmaceutical ingredients industry (1821) were chosen and 23 samples were collected. As for insecticide industry (1826), 3 representative manufacturers were chosen and 6 samples were collected.Regarding the results in this research, for samples from paint, dyes and colors industry (1810), we could distinguish one from another by using GC/MS to analyze their ratio of aromatic, ester, ketone compound in benzene and resin. On the other hand, traditional GC/MS methods were not applicable to those better water-soluble and non-volatile samples from active pharmaceutical ingredients manufacturers (1821). Thus, focusing on specific molecules, LC/MS with SIM mode was used while PE compounds was analyzed by GC/MS derivative method.As for samples collected from insecticide industry (1826), high divergence was observed in the assay results. Moreover, low correlation between organic composition in the waste and raw material/products indicated that the processes applied in this industry were highly efficient so that nearly no raw material or product compositions were left in waste.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司