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Title 九十四年「事業廢棄物清理管制─管制中心整體管理資訊系統功能提升、整合及決策支援專案計畫」
Abstract 本計畫之工作目標,係延續過去網路申報之成果,持續多項便民及快速之申報制度規劃,並提昇有關申報系統及管制系統的各項服務功能。為因應管制中心龐大的資料需求,本計畫除以建置完成的管制系統協助篩選資料之外,亦協助管制中心維護功能強大的OLAP工具解決管制中心繁複、即時、多樣化的需求。除藉由定期分析、勾稽作業以得到申報異常機構名單及其趨勢外,為大量提昇勾稽作業之效能,今年度開發多各自動化的勾稽作業功能,提昇勾稽能量,有效防止不法情事發生,並提供作為政策擬定之參考。開發完成可使用GPRS或3G無線上網 PDA等行動裝置查詢基本及申報、勾稽、稽查資料之IWMS專屬網頁提供稽查現場立即察看業者即時申報資料、以提升環保單位稽查之速度、即時杜絕不法。此外,為因應大量使用者登入系統進行相關資料申報或查詢作業,而導致系統效能降低之問題,本計畫亦協助環保署調校系統效能,並建立緊急應變替代系統,加強環保署不可斷線之申報系統,以解決於斷線時所遭受民眾對於政府公信力之質疑。評估分析RFID於事業廢棄物之管理應用,本年度已於醫療廢棄物處理機構進行現場電子標籤整批讀取率實驗,並初步開發RFID與現行申報系統結合之雛型介面。未來對於事業廢棄物管制,透過RFID技術、衛星定位系統(GPS)與網路申報三者科技應用的結合,將可有效掌握事業廢棄物的流向資料,快速精確掌握清運行為。
EngTitle The Management of Industrial Waste Clean and Treatment ─The Management Information System of Industrial Waste Control Center Upgrading, Integrating and Policy Revision Support Project in Year 2005
EngAbstract The objective of this project is to continue promotion on convenient and friendly reporting mechanism and upgrading the existing service on both Industrial Waste Report System (IWRS) and Industrial Waste Management System (IWMS).To satisfy huge information demand from the Industrial Waste Control Center, we assist the Center to maintain powerful OLAP system and existing IWMS in order to supply complex and versatile information in timely fashion.We develop automatic inspection function to increase the online inspection power. These automatic systems will assist the human operated regular inspection to promptly and accurately catches up illegal activity and offers policy revision reference.GPRS or 3G off-line and PDA portable devices joined to the existing system. Report, audit, and inquiry functions are developed for these new features. These features offer prompt monitoring on illegal activity. We assist the EPA to adjust the efficiency of the system. This is necessary due to the large number of users will cause lower system efficiency when doing something at the same time. We also establish emergency response report system for the Industrial Waste Control Center in case if any emergency happens.Through professional customer service on toll-free 080 consulting and other service, The FAQ for the online reporting and telephone toll-free service recording are completed within this year. These features assist public on make online report and increase mutual interaction between the government and the public, and offer convenient government service to the public. To analyze the RFID applicability on the industrial waste management, we proceeded with the on-site electronic label reading rate analysis in medical waste treatment facility. We joined the existing online reporting system with the RFID. Through RFID technology joining with the Global Positioning System (GPS) and online reporting, industrial waste flow tracking will be effectively and promptly managed.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司