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Title 事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準與有害事業廢棄物認定標準研修計畫
Abstract 本計畫於「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」與「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」的修正上,歷經30多場次的小型座談會和大型說明會舉辦後,已初步完成了與會業者意見的彙整,本次標準修正重要事項包括有:1.重新檢視製程有害事業廢棄物管制清單、混合五金廢料管制清單及溶出試驗管制項目等,並完成增列、文字修正或次序調整等各項要件,並已於期末說明會中和業界完成溝通。2.重新檢視現行設施標準管制之不足,完成增列條文、文字修正和建立衛生掩埋場進場管制標準等各項管制要件,藉由本次標準之調整,亦研議出三年後之事業廢棄物採衛生掩埋場之管制標準值,藉由該標準值的設定期望能提升國內事業廢棄物中間處理成效,以利後續事業廢棄物零廢棄策略之推廣。3.完成整體管制之緩衝條款與相關配套措施之研議,考量事業廢棄物代碼的變更、事業廢棄物清理計畫書審核及事業廢棄物貯存設施之變更設施等因素,建議以一年為緩衝期限,以利業者之因應。
EngTitle Revision to the Hazardous Waste Identification Rule and the Methods and Facilities Standards for the Storage, Clearnace and Disposal of Industrial Waste
EngAbstract This project, aiming to the modification of the recognition standards of industrial hazardous wastes and the methods and facilities standards for the storage, clearance and disposal of industrial waste, has hosted more then 30 explanation meetings in large and small scale and has preliminarily collected the opinions of the attendants from industries. The important modifications of standards include:1.A new check to the control list of industrial hazardous waste in manufacturing process, the control list of the mixed hardware wastes and the control items of test of toxic characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). The increase of content, word correction, and order adjustment of each key items are also completed and have been communicated with industry in the final meeting of explanation.2.A new check of the control shortage of the existing facility standards and the completion of new articles, word correction, and the build-up of the each entrance standards of a sanitary landfill. This result of standard modification will lead to the set-up the control standard of industrial waste three year later, which are adopted from the control standard of a sanitary landfill. Moreover, this control standard is expected to enhance the intermediate treatment effectiveness to promote zero industrial waste in the future.3.Completion of the study of the buffer articles of overall control and the companion measures, consideration of the change of industry waste code and the evaluation of the industrial waste clear-up proposal and the factors of facility change of the industrial waste storage facility. It is suggested the buffer period to be one year as a favorable condition for industries to response.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 工研院環安中心