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Title 建置環保產品線上購物網專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫結合環保署「環保標章資訊站」,為推動國人對環保產品的認知,並建立環保產品的線上購物管道,以提高環保產品的購買與使用率,進而促進全民綠色消費理念,特規劃建置「環保產品線上購物網站」,以網路新興科技帶動民眾使用環保產品的風潮,並建立國人在生活中實踐環保的消費習慣。 本網站舉辦3次招商說明會,目前共有26家環保廠商進駐,並於94年12月5日於環保署召開網站啟用儀式記者會,且將本網站命名為「環保產品綠色採購網」,網址為。 根據本計畫進行的環保廠商電子商務狀況調查,顯示在領表的28家環保廠商中具有電子商務服務僅有 5 家,其餘 23 家並無電子商務服務。在國內環保廠商經營不易,慘澹經營的現況下,運用電子商務無疑是邁向全民綠色消費的最佳模式。
EngTitle Building online shopping website program for green consumption
EngAbstract Green consumption is already a global trend. Combing with the broadband internet pervasion, the project is aimed to launch a green procurement website to facilitate a online distribution channel of green products, which have long suffered from a suitable promotion and demonstration place. Green consumers are often well educated and conduct a ration-based buying behavior in daily life. Internet websites are a good match to green consumers because websites tend to be catalyst of reason-based and educated buying.Funded by EPA and supervised by Consumers Protection Organization, the famous portal company Yam Digital implemented the website with the assistance of Digicell. The website was successfully launched on Dec. 5 and received vast media attention.The launch was an end of this year’s project but also symbolized a beginning of a new era where green consumption pervades everywhere through the anytime, anywhere Internet. Most of the manufacturers recruited in this campaign are SME. It is a great financial and technical barrier for them to deploy brick-and-mortar distribution channels or open an online store. This project fosters synergy by putting all these businesses together and form a online mall so that customers can enjoy apleasant one-stop shopping for green products in many categories. Although the budget is little compared to commercial companies building an online transactional website, there are 26 merchants and more than 450 itemslisted for online green shopping with the many anonymous volunteers from Consumers Foundation.The challenges faced in the project are that many participating merchants have little experiences using IT as corporate development strategies, nor do they have enough knowledge of electronic commerce. This means extra education and training are in order yet teffects will only surface slowly if any. Is also means extra working staff have taken greater efforts than planned in putting all the pieces together.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中華民國消費者文教基金會