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Title 排放管道粒狀污染物檢測比測執行計畫(Ⅲ)
Abstract 環保署環境檢驗所為了提昇我國之環境檢測能力,除了不斷地改善環境檢測機構之認證制度以及推展品保、品管制度外,還進行環境檢驗室查證評鑑工作。對於煙道採樣之查證評鑑而言,現場比測是一項重要的工作,因此,環保署環境檢驗所與台灣大學環境工程研究所以及台灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所合作建置一座粒狀污染物排放模擬煙囪。該粒狀物排放模擬煙囪於八十六年度完工,並完成性能測試,同時於2001~2004年間完成進行資料庫的建置,而且利用所收集之實驗數據建立風扇轉速與粉塵供應率這兩個變項與煙道內粒狀物濃度之推估模式,在操作範圍內設定這兩個變項以預測煙道內粒狀物的濃度,藉此對檢測機構煙道檢測之品質管制及品質保證進行查驗。除了操作與維護該粒狀物排放模擬煙囪之外,延續「煙道粒狀物檢測比測系統維護與資料庫建置」計畫,累積實測數據,對目前導出的模式做驗証與修正並藉此提升統計模式的解析力。本年度工作計畫是利用此模擬煙道配合環檢所分批進行檢測機構年度的盲測工作,並以2001~2004年的迴歸模式設立一標準,判斷檢測機構煙道檢測水準的好壞,並協助檢測機構找出量測值離群的根本原因以協助檢測機構提升其煙道檢測品質。在氣體分析部份準備標準氣體(混合CO2、O2、CO等三種氣體)有三種不同濃度組合以供檢測機構進行現場盲測。以往在評估煙道粒狀物濃度時,都是直接將採樣頭伸入煙道內採樣,但由於煙道內溫度較高,排放的污染物一旦離開煙道本體,很可能因為空氣溫度降低造成過飽和,產生同質或異質核化 (Nucleation),因此若在煙道內高溫狀態下直接採樣則粒狀物濃度可能會有低估的現象,文獻指出在染整業煙道排氣採樣特別有此類的現象發生,因此本年度計畫另針對染整業作實地的採樣研究,探討其排氣水分含量對染整業煙道粒狀物採樣之影響,同時探討在水分含量測定裝置中,不同填充材質的凝結效果,以評估運用於其他可凝結物質量測的可能性。
EngTitle Proficiency Analytical Testing Program of Stack Sampling
EngAbstract The main objective of the present study is to operate a pilot stack system to establish a database of measurements of stationary sources. This database was subject to further statistical analysis for performance proficiency. Other objective is to improve, operate and maintain a device (simulating a stack) for validating the measurement of particulate from stationary sources. According to the analysis of variance, the duct velocity and dust feeder rate were two of the most influential factor in determining the aerosol concentrations in the stack and evaluating the sampling performance of the private certified laboratories by the statistical analysis model of 2001~2004 year. In gas, we prepare three kinds of mixing gas of different concentration (CO, CO2 and O2) to provide measurement.Assessing the particles concentration in the stack in the past, the sampling sensor directly stretched into the stack and sampled. The temperature of the stack is relatively high and the pollutant discharged the stack, temperature of air reduces and caused saturation, and then produces homogeneity or heterogeneous nucleation. If sample directly under the high-temperature state in the stack, there may be phenomenon underestimated in the particles concentration. In the same time, conferring the device of moisture in the different coagulation result of materials and the other condense of materials evaluated possibility.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 台灣大學環境工程研究所