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Title 空氣中揮發性有機化合物檢測干擾之研究(二)
Abstract 八十八年環保署公告「排放管道中氣態有機化合物檢測方法-採樣袋採樣之氣相層析法」以來,取得空氣中揮發性有機化合物檢測許可之檢驗室亦有漸增之趨勢,這些檢驗室執行檢測所產生之數據往往成為政府單位施行政策或環保單位執行公權力之依據。考量排放管道煙氣特徵、檢測干擾與樣品保存之時效,該方法於不同溫度對VOCs分析之準確度變化,以及不同煙氣含水量致分析結果之干擾影響,實有評估之必要。本研究執行並彙整十家獲得此方法許可認證的檢測公司及兩處研究單位之問卷調查,並將問卷結果納入實驗測試設計,完成檢測濃度最大適用範圍、採樣袋清洗適當方式、容許進樣體積評估、不同室溫及含水量對檢測及樣品保存測試、三處排放管道煙氣現場實測、以及擴增acetone、methyl ethyl ketone、methyl acetate檢測項目評估等計畫工作內容,達成當時計畫預期所需。研究結果顯示,於550-1500 ppm最高檢量濃度狀況下,氣相層析儀對各項VOCs線性程度良好,影響檢測濃度最大適用範圍的參數應在於方法所建議以水浴或油浴方式的標準品加熱汽化裝置,配製500ppm的濃度狀況下,苯環類VOCs(例如:styrene、m-xylene以及o-xylene)殘餘濃度均高過10ppm,殘餘百分比為2.5-3.0%不等,注入過多的液體標準品,會導致汽化不及而有所殘留。而採樣袋清洗適當方式方面,未經使用的採樣袋清洗次數以80%容積氣體置換兩次即可將VOCs控制低於其方法偵測極限以下;高濃度(300-500ppm)經60-80℃清洗後,殘餘濃度也只有1.9-6.5 ppm ,其相對殘餘量僅為0.27%-0.92%不等。汽機車尾氣之採樣袋置入60℃烘箱,經兩天54次零級空氣置換後,多數VOCs尚有10%不等的殘餘,因此建議採集過高濃度(200ppm以上)工業源或移動源尾氣樣品之採樣袋,實不宜清洗再使用。再者,不同溫度及含水量對VOCs衰減影響顯示,煙氣含水率過飽和程度對VOC濃度貯存影響頗大,未飽和(0%、2%)及過飽和(10%)濕度下之VOCs模擬煙氣衰減趨勢較為相似,明顯與超量過飽和(25%)濕度VOCs煙氣之衰減曲線不同。高濃度VOCs (70~150ppm)模擬煙氣於25℃過飽和(10%)濕度下,除了部份o-xylene、styrene外,其他15項成分24小時衰減率皆小於20%。35℃與25℃較高室溫貯放下較15℃適合貯放VOCs採樣袋。此外,依美國環保署對方法十八的建議檢測項目,擴增acetone、methyl ethyl ketone、methyl acetate等酮酯類VOCs。於方法建議的分析條件下,不同進樣體積(0.25及1mL)之不分流與分流測試亦顯示, 3成份與A722.71B原有17項成份分離效果實屬良好,除acetone受過飽和溼度衰減影響外,檢量線線性、偵測極限、準確度及精密度等品管內容亦能達到A722.71B要求。整體計畫執行內容符合當時計畫規劃。
EngTitle Interferences of analysis for the volatile organic compounds in the exhaust gas from the stacks(Ⅱ)
EngAbstract NIEA A722.71B, widely used for the analysis of the gaseous organic compounds from the stacks, was modified in 1999 to include new QA/QC procedures as part of the method. Considering the complicated VOC characteristics and varying moisture contents in the exhaust gas, it is necessary to estimate the interference, the variation of accuracy and the preservative period for the VOCs samples. Consequently, this study was undertaken to collect the relevant information from 10 certified environmental laboratories and 2 research institutes.The results show that a better calibration is feasible when the concentration below 500 ppm. Because of the insufficient vaporized temperature for the more liquid standard in the water bath, the residual percentages for some aromatics (styrene, m-xylene and o-xylene) was 2.5-3.0% under the higher concentration conditions (>500ppm). As for Tedlar bag, the twice cleaning frequency of the new Tedlar bag with the zero air of 80% bag’s volume should be sufficient. The residual percentages of 17 VOCs was only 0.3%-0.9% for the samples with higher concentration (300-500ppm) after 18 times cleaning at 60-80℃. However, the bag for mobile tail gas samples is difficult to clean since more than 10% residuals remaining for some VOCs after 54 times cleaning at 60℃. For this reason, it is suggested that the Tedlar bag not be reused after sampling higher VOC concentrations (>200ppm) of the exhaust gas. The influence of moisture content in the Tedlar bag on the decrease of VOCs is significant. The trends of VOC decay during the storage period are similar for humidity up to 10%, but they are different at higher humidity (25%). The data for Tedlar bag storing at higher temperatures (25℃ or 35℃) are better than the results at 15℃. In addition, the QA/QC results for acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and methyl acetate conform to the norm in their calibration, accuracies and precisions.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 許逸群