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Title 鍍鎳製程整合奈米薄膜/電透析程序回收有價金屬之研發計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要以研究開發「奈米薄膜/電透析程序」取代電鍍製程清洗廢水傳統化學沉澱處理程序為主要目的,本案選定工業製程中常見的「鍍鎳程序」水洗水為研究對象,期望回收資源物質(如鎳離子、水),利用「線上回收」觀念,開發電鍍程序清潔生產之方法,減少廢水處理及污泥處理成本,達到(1)資源回收/清潔生產(2)大幅減少污泥量(3)廠區清潔(4)提升環保形象(5)提升經濟效應之五大目的。本研究之回收程序主要分為兩單元,第一單元先以奈米薄膜分離濃縮二價鎳離子並去除其他雜質(如氯離子、氨基磺酸、小分子量有機物),達到含鎳離子溶液濃縮純化目的,第二單元則以電透析裝置進行低濃度鎳回收及水再生。本回收程序計畫鎳離子濃縮率之最佳化條件為系統回收率90%,濃縮倍數可達9.3倍以上或相當於質量回收比率約為93%,且有效分離單價離子。由於奈米薄膜濃縮所需壓力較低(數十psi),能量消耗不多,且電鍍廢水之濁度低、pH低,較不會有fouling、scaling及濃度極化現象影響流通量。此外,電透析由於適用低濃度之廢水,可將奈米薄膜之濾液進一步純化至放流,或於廠內進行回收使用;電透析濃縮液則可進入源頭,並回收剩餘約10%之質量,達到資源回收及水再生之雙重目的。與傳統程序比較,估計約操作17.7個月後NF/ED之經濟性將大於傳統物化沉澱方法。
EngTitle Study of nickel recovey from nanofiltration combined with electrodialysis processes from nickel plating industry
EngAbstract The purpose of this study is to propose a nanofiltration /electrodialysis process for nickel recovery from a metal plating industry. Nickel recovery in the metal plating industry has been studied widely by other process such as chemical precipitation and ion exchange. However, the complication of sludge and resin regeneration has been a problem and is not feasible for the industry, resulting in the high operating cost. The cooperation company in this project is Concert Environment Technic Company, which is a consultant company who work with traditional metal plating industry. The nickel waste has been presented in their waste stream and ion-exchange process was not successful for them. Nanofiltration was typically used for multivalent ion removal; thus the separation of monovalent and multivalent ions can be achieved. Electrodialysis is a membrane separation process based on the selective migration of aqueous ions through ion-exchange membranes under electrical driving forces. It has been commercially used for desalination, wastewater treatment and electrolyte separation for electroplating wastewater. In order to recover the nickel and water, this study designs a model which has nanofiltration combined with electrodialysis. In the first stage, nanofiltration was proposed to retain Ni2+ in the concentrate stream but other monovalent such as sulfamate, chloride and small organics, can be removed by passing through membrane. Thus in the electrodialysis stage, nickel can be concentrated. The optimum mass recovery is about 93% with system recovery of 90 % or 9.3 times of the initial concentration increase. Electrodialysis is able to recover the reamianing 10 mass % of nickel and also to meet the discharge standard. This research will be able to reduce their operating cost by recovering nickel and water, also solve their current problems for their wastewater containing nickel and also for many similar metal plating companies in Taiwan. Comparing to the traditional process, the NF/ED will be more economical after 17.7 month of operation.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 國立台北科技大學中小企業創新育成中心