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Title 各類型排放管道中粒狀污染物粒徑分析研究(III)
Abstract 粒狀污染物為台灣地區空氣污染品質好壞判定之重要參考指標之一,為提供業者在污染防制上之改善方法,和有效的選擇適合的空氣污染防制設備,以符合空氣污染物排放標準,及探討法規之合理性,實有必要性探討排放管道排氣中之微粒特性(如粒徑分析與組成);另因隨排放管道微粒特性之檢測方法,所得到之測值略有差異,且對環境之影響與貢獻量亦無法充分予以掌握,本研究乃彙整前兩年依美國與日本所公告之粒徑分析標準方法,所進行粒狀污染物排放量前十大行業排放管道測試之分析結果,建立排放管道粒狀污染物排放特性與工廠周界粒狀污染物特性(含粒徑與濃度)間關係,以瞭解排放管道所排放之污染物對空氣品質之影響,且藉ISC高斯擴散模式進行模擬以得知各行業鄰近測站最大濃度位置後,以供本年度周界測站採樣研究之進行,另藉受體模式CMB探討工廠排放管道所排放粒狀物,對周界所量測微粒之影響程度。本研究於工廠周遭所使用之微粒採樣儀器至少含總懸浮微粒採樣器(TSP)、懸浮微粒採樣器(PM10)及粒徑分析儀(至少含十種粒徑,分別為18、5.6、3.2、1.8、1.0、0.56、0.32、0.18、0.1及0.056μm)。所利用之受體模式為接受度較高之化學質量平衡(Chemical Mass Balance, CMB7)受體模式,以進行污染源比對與追蹤,且根據受體點所量測污染物特性,配合污染源特徵指紋資料,用統計分析方法評估受體點所接受的不同行業別污染源的貢獻量,以建立工廠周遭受體點污染物濃度與污染源排放濃度之間的關係;本研究並彙整代表性工廠周遭一、二與五公里內污染源(含移動源、固定源與逸散源等)位置與排放特性,即背景資料調查,以驗證評估結果之正確性。本研究乃藉由系統方法建立ISC3高斯擴散模式進行TSP濃度之模擬結果,其中以鋼鐵業最大小時粒狀物濃度模擬結果最大,高達194.9 μg/m3;造紙業模擬結果最小,僅為3.3 μg/m3。另最大著地濃度發生位置距離廠址最近為陶瓷業(I)與鋼鐵業(G),兩者最大著地濃度距離廠址皆僅為252 m;而最大著地濃度發生位置距離廠址最遠者為水泥業(E公司),最大著地濃度距離廠址高達2082 m。由周界檢測結果可知,磚窯業、瀝青業、油煤業、紙漿業、水泥業、電力業、鋼鐵業、化學材料業、陶瓷業與食品業臨近測點之TSP以磚窯業最低,僅介於32 ~53 mg/m3之間,而水泥業則為最高,可高達93.2 ~121mg/m3之間;十大行業之臨近測點PM10濃度以磚窯業臨近測點濃度最低,僅介於12.4~32.4mg/m3之間,而水泥業臨近測點濃度則最高,各高達45~78mg/m3之間;其PM2.5濃度則以瀝青業臨近測點濃度最低,僅介於6.0~8.0mg/m3之間,而水泥業臨近測點濃度則最高,高達11~47.8mg/m3之間。磚窯業、瀝青業、油煤業、紙漿業、水泥業、電力業、鋼鐵業、化學材料業、陶瓷業與食品業臨近測點空氣中微粒粒徑主要分別分布於在0.32 ~2.5、1 ~ 20、0.1 ~ 1.5、0.2 ~ 10、0.2 ~ 1.5、0.4 ~ 2、0.2 ~ 2、0.05 ~ 2、0.2 ~ 2和1 ~ 20m之間;主要粒徑之濃度分別為29.1、70.35、45.58、80.8、50.9、40.52、48.62、68.39、38.8與89.6 g/m3。
EngTitle Study on the In-stack Particulate Size Distribution in Different Plant
EngAbstract The targets of this research is to study on the particle size distribution with two standard test methods American Method 201A and Japanese JIS K0302 and establish particle emission characteristics of stack flue gas in nine industries. This research examined the differences between two standard test methods American Method 201A and Japanese JIS K0302 of particle diameter analysis and compared the merit and shortcoming of the two methods. Moreover, this research further explored the influence of particulate emission in flue gas on the atmospheric PM10. To rationalize the standards and regulations of air pollutant emissions, it is necessary to examine the particulate emission characteristics of flue gas. The sampling method used sampling probe to extract fine particles in the flue gas and then employed gravimetric method to calculate the concentration of discharged particles. The contribution of PM10 emission from stack was also determined in this study. Results showed that the food industry had the highest PM10 concentration, 114.7 mg/Nm3, whereas the cement industry had the lowest PM10 concentration, 15.2 mg/Nm3. Furthermore, papermaking industry had the highest PM10/TSP ratio, 0.88 and the brick kiln industry has the lowest PM10/TSP ratio, 0.67. The ratio of using Japanese standard sampling method was little smaller than that of using American standard sampling method. The PM10 variation at cement plant with USEPA Method 201A and JIS K0302 is the smallest, as small as 13% and 5%, respectively.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 張章堂