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Title 汽車排氣遙測專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作的執行進度摘要如下:一、 汽車排氣遙測監測點作業:依選點原則完成28個遙測監測點作業,包括21個高速公路匝道及7個市區道路。行前教育訓練已於6月1日舉行。遙測作業已於6月7日開始進行,截至8月30為止,遙測數量為204156輛。篩除無效輛次後,可分析數量為166032輛,有效率為81.4% 二、 汽車排氣遙測檢驗站作業:完成簽約各縣市至少一站次共計76站檢驗站,並舉辦四場次說明會及於高污染通知書寄發前完成所有站次查核及連線作業。三、 高污染車輛已經篩選並寄發4228件通知,回檢3553件,回檢率84.03%,檢測費用已全數撥付。四、 諮商會議已完成2場次。五、 邀請中部地區環保局協調會進行2場次。六、 技術轉移說明會已於12月5-7日舉辦。七、 汽車不定期檢驗辦法草案已修訂。八、 遙測作業規範已修訂完成。九、 高污染通知到檢程序已初步修訂完成。十、 未到檢資料追蹤管制作業機制已初步研訂完成。十一、 民間汽車不定期排氣代檢驗站認可規範與管理草案已初步研訂完成。十二、 汽車排氣動力計檢測模式已研擬完成,並舉辦觀摩會1場次。十三、 已完成設置遙測網站及陳情中心專責處理民眾及檢驗站相關事宜,宣導文宣品已製作完成並於簽約之不定期檢驗站發放。十四、 國內外相關資料已收集並彙整於報告中。十五、 由本年度工作,可知車輛排放污染物大部分都在低濃度範圍,污染度濃度與車齡呈正相關,與排氣量約成負相關。就廠牌而言,CO方面以福特汽車排放濃度較高,HC排放濃度較高廠牌為慶眾汽車。高污染車型分析結果CO平均值最高之車型為國瑞汽車AT1EMN車型,HC平均值最高之車型為福特汽車FESTIVA-3U車型。本年度遙測數據經由複迴歸分析結果可藉由遙測數據預測車輛惰轉數據,藉以提高通知高污染車輛之機率。由93年度與本年度遙測成效而言,在回檢率與被通知高污染輛排放減量方面,均比93年度高。十六、 遙測計畫除篩選高污染車輛外,亦可篩選清潔車輛進行獎勵。且宜設置長期監測路段,分析移動污染源排放與空氣品質之相關性;並可由遙測資料推估進行NOx之管制;車齡與污染呈現正相關,故可積極推動汽車汰舊,以降低污染;未來可藉由本年度複迴歸方程式提高篩選高污染車輛之機率,以有效降低高污染車輛之排放。
EngTitle Vehicle Remote Emission Sensing Project
EngAbstract The project has completed remote sensing sites selection of 28 monitoring sites including 21 sites on highway ramps and 7 sites on surface roads. A total of 204,156 vehicles were measured. After screening of invalid data, 166,032 vehicle data were available for analysis. The data validity was 81.4%.A total of 76 garages signed contracts for the operation with at least one station in each city or county.A total of 4,228 high emitters were identified and notified. Among them, 3553 vehicles showed for the tests, the call back rate was 84.03%. Test fees were also paid to the garages.Two seminars were hosted in the project.Central district EPBs were invited twice for coordination meetings. Technology transfer workshops were conducted from December 5 to 7.The non-periodical vehicle inspection regulation draft was revised. The remote sensing operation specification was revised. High emitter notification protocol was revised. The control mechanism for vehicles failed to show for the test was drafted. The non-periodical inspection stations approval and management regulation draft was drafted. The dynamometer test model was drafted and a demonstration was conducted. The remote sensing webpage and public information center have been established to take care of motorists and test stations needs. Outreach materials were printed and delivered to test stations. The project collected relevant domestic and oversea information for references. It is found in this project that most vehicles are within the low emission range. Vehicle emission concentrations increase with vehicle ages and decrease with engine displacement volumes. Linear regression analysis of this year’s remote sensing data found idle test high emitters can be predicted from the remote sensing readings to increase the probability of high emitters notified. Compared to the 2004 remote sensing project, this year’s project exhibited higher pollution reduction results. In addition to high emitters screening, remote sensing can be applied to clean screening that offers incentive to clean cars.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 空保處