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Title 九十四年度推動垃圾強制分類專案工作計畫
Abstract 分析第一階段執行機關推動結果顯示,均已能達成政策規劃目標(資源垃圾回收率25%,廚餘回收率5%)。在垃圾清運量部份平均減量率約10%,廚餘回收部分平均成長率達66%,而資源回收部份平均成長率更達32%,顯示政策規劃與執行機關相關推動工具確能發揮效用,有效減少垃圾產出,提升資源垃圾與廚餘回收。然第一階段執行機關推動垃圾強制分類工作主要遭遇問題包括(1).資源物及廚餘回收項目規定不一;(2).資源物及廚餘量增加造成垃圾清運時間過長問題;(3).補助經費不足無法採購相關機具影響清運作業安全問題;(4).資源物回收變賣問題與(5).禁止廚餘養豬後回收管道問題,均需於未來第二階段政策推動時協助妥善解決。 此外,配合資源回收業務民營化工作推動部分,建議推動策略包括配合地方需求特性、優先達成回收效率、整合地方工作資源、加強建立資源回收產業管理規範、管制非法回收業者與加強進場管制等。在推動資源垃圾細分類廠跨區經營部份,具體策略包括強化現有細分類廠操作管理、確保資源垃圾質量與配合資源回收業務民營化作業等策略,以提升資源垃圾細分類產業功能,深化垃圾強制分類政策推動基礎。
EngTitle FY2005 Mandatory Garbage Sorting Enforcement Project
EngAbstract The performance evaluation of 10 implementation agencies of the first stage implementation of Madatory Garbage Sorting (MGS) Enforcement shows that both recyclable and food waste recycling rate meet the policy goal (25% for recyclable recycling and 5% for food waste recycling). The MSW reduction rate, recyclable recycling rate and food waste recycling rate are 10%, 66% and 32%, respectively and the viablility of designed measuremts of MGS is proved. However, challenges like recyclable definition, collection schedule dely due to collection of increasing recyclable and food waste, unsafe collection facility, sale of collected recyclable and proper recovery system for food waste should be resolved for the coming second stages implementation.The recommended promot stragies of privation of recycling service includes (1).fulfill implementation agency demand, (2).increasing recycling rate in priority, (3).resource synthesis of nearby implementation agencies, (4).revise related regulation, (5).contorl of illegal recycler and (6).ban of recyclable into landfill. Furthermore, Material Recovery Facilities, (MRFs) cross-zone operation could be encouraged through exist MRFs function improvement, stable recyclable volume and quality and collaboration with privation of recycling service. These efforts will empower the mechanism for further MGS enforcement.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 永發環境工程顧問有限公司