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Title 環境影響評估公眾參與作業規範及範例之建立
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容為彙整國內各類型環評案件之公眾意見調查方式及蒐集各國公眾參與環評之方式,進而加以研訂出環境影響評估公眾參與作業規範,並且以近兩年環評個案為對象,研訂各式範例。在國內資料之蒐集方面,依據環保署89年~93年通過審查之環評案件,總計有323件,有辦理公眾參與之案件,計有107件;未辦理之案件,計有216件,歸納整理出公眾參與方式包括:問卷調查、公眾閱覽、公開說明會、評估範疇界定、現場勘查及公聽會等,並進行參與內容及優、缺點分析。在國外資料蒐集方面,蒐集國家有歐盟、美國、日本、中國大陸及香港等,歸納整理出各國環評之法令依據、實施時間、公眾參與方式、公眾參與項目及資訊公開化等之比較分析。在作業規範方面,研訂公眾參與方式包括:問卷調查、訪談、座談會、協調會、討論會、公眾閱覽、公開說明會、現場勘查及公聽會等八項。在範例研訂方面,民國92~94年9月通過環保署審查之環評案件計有118件,研擬之範例各擇一區域開發及線性開發作為案例篩選之代表性,在區域開發方面為「南區(龍崎廠)事業廢棄物綜合處理中心環境影響說明書」,建構範例包括:訪談、座談會及公開說明會等三項,在線性開發方面則為「三芝北投公路規劃環境影響評估報告書」,建構範例包括:問卷調查、座談會、公眾閱覽、公開說明會、現場勘查及公聽會等五項。
EngTitle The Standard Operating Procedure and the model establishment of the Environmental Impact Assessment public participation.
EngAbstract The main content of the project is coordinating ways to the public opinion investigation of all sorts of local environmental evaluation cases, and collect ways of public involvement of environmental evaluation from other countries. Then, public involvement operation standard for environmental influence evaluation can be established, and set up different kinds of models from individual environmental evaluation cases within the two years time.In the aspect of data collection, according to the EPA, there were total 323 cases that passed the environmental evaluation examination from year 2000 to 2004. The ways that the project coordinated to the public involvement in environmental influence evaluation includes questionnaire, public reading, assembly for public statement, evaluation standardization, on-site examination, and public hearing, etc, and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages throughout the content. For data collection from overseas, collecting from countries such as, EU, the US, Japan, China and Hong Kong etc, the project concluded comparative analysis of law accordance, starting point of time, ways and items of public involvement, and information publication on each country’s environmental evaluation.In the operation standardization and models setting, the project’s operation standard includes, questionnaires, interviews, forums, coordinated meeting,symposium , public reading, public assembly, on-site examination, and public hearing. Settings on the related models, Selection of the chosen models is choosing an area to develop and linear-develop as representative. In the area to develop, the chosen case is “Environmental Influence Guidance Book for Southern area operation waste combined processing center,” and the structure includes interviews, forums, and public assembly. For area to linear-develop, the chosen case is “Environmental Influence Guidance Book for San-Zi and Pei-Tou road planning,” and the structure includes questionnaires, forums, public reading, public assembly, on-site examination, and public hearing.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會