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Title 紡織業之事業廢棄物清理技術調查評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫針對環保署選定15個行業別之一的紡織業業(包含紡紗業、織布業、不織布業、其他紡織業等),進行廢棄物種類特性調查及建立未來管理規範。主要成果以下事項:(1)完成紡織業總廢棄物申報量之調查工作,含各種廢棄物種類及數量、處理技術及再利用流向之統計工作。(2)完成紡織業製程代碼之建議修改方案,以符合紡織業特有的製程特性。(3)彙整現場訪查及問卷資料,整理各製程單元原物料與廢棄物產出之對照表,共完成11個紡織業製程代碼與廢棄物關聯表。(4)依據ITIS產業資料庫及管制中心資料庫合併後之統計資料,共發放2612家紡織業問卷調查,問卷回收率91.8%。(5)完成40家紡織業及11家廢棄物資源回收再利用機構之清理計畫書查核及現場訪查。(6)完成廢棄物採樣及檢測:以TCLP分析方法進行廢棄物有害特性確認,分析屬於無害性污泥,以ICP/AES、FTIR及GC/MS分析方法協助建立廢棄物之指紋資料。(7)調查紡織業廢棄量較大之污泥、煤灰、廢纖維、廢木材、DMF等之處理流向及再利用方式,並提出推動零廢棄與後續管理之具體建議。(8)蒐集彙整國外紡織品相關的法令規範與廢棄物處理及再利用技術
EngTitle The Investigation of the Waste Collection and Treatment Technology in the Textile Industry
EngAbstract The main achievements accomplished in this project for spinning, weaving, non-woven and other textile industries are listed below:(1)Completed the investigation of the wastes including the waste characteristics, quantities, treatment technologies and the transportation for reuse and recycling in textile industries.(2)Proposed the amendment of the manufacturing process codes for textile industries.(3)Collected the information from onsite audit and questionnaire survey to accomplish the connection table of manufacturing process units and produced wastes.(4)Surveyed the waste production situation by questionnaire and accomplished 91.8% returns-ratio.(5)Completed onsite audit of 40 manufacturing plants and 11 companies treating or reusing the textile wastes.(6)Accomplished the waste sampling and testing for identification of the waste toxicity and establishment of the waste fingerprint information database.(7)Investigated the treatment transportation and recycling method for the main wastes and proposed the draft of the zero waste.(8)Collected the foreign management policy and recycling technologies for the textile industries.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人紡織產業綜合研究所