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Title 環境影響評估總量管制資料之建置與更新
Abstract 本計畫以淡水河流域為範圍,跨縣市彙整環境敏感地、空氣品質、水體水質、水資源、土壤品質、交通、土地利用、廢棄物等環境因子1980至2004年環境變遷資料,並進行各環境因子總量管制分析、管制基準研擬、以及各環境因子總量管制政策實施成效評估與模擬,以為後續淡水河流域環境管理、環境影響評估審查之參考與應用。
EngTitle Dataset Builds up and Renews of Total Load Control Plan for Environmental Impact Assessment
EngAbstract Objective of this project is to set up data set for EIA and total load control in Dasuie river watershed. The results of this project included data collection from 1980 to 2004 of environmental sensitivity area, air quality, water quality, water source, soil quality, transportation, land use and waste. Then, total load control analysis, control standards set up, and efficiency of total control policy simulation are practiced at every environmental factor in Dasuie river watershed.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 中國文化大學環境設計學院景觀學系