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Title 事業廢水污染預防及防治管理工作計畫
Abstract 台灣近幾年來工商業發展迅速,半導體、光電工業、生技產業及餐飲服務業等行業更是急速成長,單純的從傳統的管末處理進行管制並無法改善前述行業之環保問題,且環保單位對於許可證之功能性實質審查也無法落實,故本計畫基於污染預防之角度出發,提出相關之管理方案。為了有效提升許可品質,本計畫已協助完成環保單位委託技師專業單位進行許可功能審查之規劃及推動,並提出技師簽證時機應包含施工階段之全程參與內容,及簽證不實採違規計點等懲處建議。藉由14家相關產業之現地調查,及召開相關研商會議後,對於光電產業廢水所含氮、磷濃度應加以管制,半導體業之化學研磨廢水管制方式則應改為透視度及濁度,至於生技產業則應規範相關業者增設去活化設備,期以預防管理加強此類新興產業之污染防治。透過分級分類管理方式,未來自來水水源水質保護區內之餐飲業,將向下加嚴納入廢水量10CMD以上之業者,以杜絕小型餐廳對於飲用水安全之危害,另外並將要求普遍裝設油脂截留器,並提供環保單位設備查核依據,以督促業者正常操作,降低餐飲廢水之污染。
EngTitle Pollution Prevention and Management Works of Industrial Wastewater
EngAbstract With the rapid economic growth in Taiwan recently years, Taiwan has experienced new pollution control problems from semiconductor, optoelectronics, and biotechnology industries. Traditional end-of pipe treatment is no longer the only solution for these problems. Lack of experienced engineer limited local environmental agency in reviewing discharge permit proposal. The “Pollution Prevention and Management Works of Industrial Wastewater” project studied the above problems and provided practical suggestions to environmental administration office.This project has designed the standardized contract format for local EPA to consign the review works of discharge permit proposal to Professional Engineer (PE) Association. Professional Engineer will then play more important roles in local environmental administration service. On site survey of 14 factories and 10 meetings between EPA and industries were proceeded in this project. The results of the survey and summaries of the meetings provided suggestions to mitigate the impact of inorganic nutrients (ie. N and P), iodine ion, arsenic, nano-particles, and infectious wastewater discharged from semiconductor, optoelectronics, and biotechnology industries. The Best Available Technologies (BAT) to treat and control the discharge of the above pollutants are also evaluated. For those median and small restaurants in water preservation area, regulation will be enforced to any restaurant that discharged over 10 CMD of wastewater. Grease and oil treating equipment are required for these restaurants.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 工研院環安中心 曾治乾