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Title 環境衛生用藥劑型標準規格研究
Abstract 為了因應環境衛生用藥在國際上的流通與其產品規格的國際化,本研究在於提出國際標準相調和的環境衛生用藥劑型規格,以提昇環境用藥品質,確保消費者用藥之安全與防治效能。本研究以世界衛生組織 (WHO)、聯合國糧農組織(FAO)和其他國際組織分別訂定之殺蟲劑劑型品質規範作為評估使用之依據。本(九十四)年度完成了下列工作:1、建立環境衛生用藥各類劑型規格規範,以作為主管機關執行查驗登記環境衛生用藥有統一之登記原則;2、完成現有環境衛生用藥成品劑型清單,同時完成固體劑型分類檢測技術;3、訂定現有環境衛生用藥劑型規格規範,完成檢測機構資源及檢驗費用之評估。經由研究調查顯示,目前國際上通用之環境衛生用藥劑型主要種類計68種,其劑型名稱、代碼與定義可做為國內申請查驗之規範。為與國際上之環境衛生用藥之劑型分類相調和,環境衛生用藥採用劑型之形態和施用方法來分類,即分為原體(Technical material)與成品製劑,而成品製劑則分為固體劑型、液體劑型與特殊劑型三種,以達到方便管理與使用之目的。經由本研究調查發現,國內環境衛生用藥檢測機構資源不足,產品劑型規格仍未能完全符合現有國際規格,因此,在檢測機構與產品劑型規格方面仍須極積進行輔導工作。經由申請檢測環境衛生用藥意願調查結果發現,現行環境檢測機構大多數沒有意願參檢測工作,其最主要原因為沒有檢驗設備與人力、沒有市場、欠缺標準檢驗方法與與政策未推動。因此,建立環境衛生用藥劑型規格規範後,仍須發展環境衛生用藥各種理化性質檢驗方法,同時列為政府優先推動之工作。
EngTitle Research of the Standard and Specification of Formulations in Environmental Sanitation Pesticides
EngAbstract In response to the international circulation and product standardization of pesticides used in environmental sanitation, this research addressed the formulation specification for environmental sanitation pesticides according to international standard to raise the quality of environmental sanitation pesticides and to assure users’ safety in using pesticides and prevention / treatment effect. This research uses the insecticide formulation and quality norm separately set up by World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and other international organizations for the basis of usage assessment. This year, 2005, the completed are listed below:1. Setting up various formulation specification norms for environmental sanitation pesticides for the authorities to base on when executing examinations and registrations of the pesticides as a uniform registration principle.2. The finished goods formulation list for environmental sanitation pesticides and also the classification examination techniques for solid formulations completed.3. Setting up formulation specification norm for existing environmental sanitation pesticides and completing the assessment of resources and examination fee of the examination institutes.Shown by research investigation, there are 68 formulations of environmental sanitation pesticides presently in general use; their formulation names, codes and definitions can be used as the norm for application for examination domestically. In order to coordinate with international formulation classification of environmental sanitation pesticides, their formulation morphology and application methods were used for classification, i.e. separated into technical materials and finished goods formulations; while the finished goods preparations were separated into 3 kinds of solid formulation, liquid formulation and special formulation for convenience of organization and application purposes.Found by this research investigation, the resources of domestic examination institutes for environmental sanitation pesticides are insufficient and product formulation specifications are still unable of completely meeting current international specifications; so there are needs in active assistance work in the respects of examination institutes and product formulation specifications.Found through the investigation of willingness in applying for examination into environmental sanitation pesticides, existing examination institutes are mostly unwilling to participate in examination works. The main reasons are lack of equipment , manpower , market, examination method, and policy promotion. So, in establishing formulation norm specifications of environmental sanitation pesticides, development of various examination methods for physical – chemical properties of environmental sanitation pesticides should be listed as the priority of the government.
ProjectYear 094
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 中華環境有害生物防治協會